Part 38

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(At Cerise laboratory)

Reporter: fossils mean adventure. One of the largest shieldon ever was restored from a fossil and so everyone with a love of adventure come join us.

Ash: one of the largest ever

Goh: yeah sure is huge.

Ash: wow! Let's go check it out!

Goh: I think we should pay a visit to the museum of science.

Ash: when should we go now!

(Y/N): wait I'm not ready yet. I'll be right back (rushes off)

(Meanwhile Chloe is going through a book of hers)

Chloe: what should I write about?

Cerise: is that your science project?

Chloe: mhm.

Cerise: I know how about doing it on fossil Pokemon.

Chloe: seriously?

Cerise: perhaps go have a look with Goh, Ash and (Y/N).

Chloe: whaa?

Goh: yeah I can't wait!

Ash: we're leaving right after (Y/N) is sorted!

(Y/N): I'm back!

Ash: which is right now!

(A/N): oh yeah I didn't mention this but he returned his Alola Pokemon to professor Oak and he still has tyrogue with him.

Ash/Goh: see you later! Goodbye!

Chloe: but wait wait! (Both dragging Chloe by the arms)

(Y/N): I'm sorry Chloe but there's no stopping them when they're eager and determined on something  (to the egg in his hands) it's about time I take you out and stop leaving you on the back burner, this fossil adventure should hopefully do you some good.

Cerise: go experience the adventure of ancient times gone by.

(Timeskip: at the Pewter city museum of science)

Goh: wow it's an omanyte!

Ash: Pikachu that's a Kabuto!

Kid: daddy it's a kabutops!

(Meanwhile the other two consisting of (Y/N) and Chloe are quiet whilst Ash and Goh are fanboying)

Goh: I can't wait to catch all of these fossil Pokemon 

Ash: hold on I wonder where shieldon is.

Chloe: could that be it over there? (They look over to the queue)

Man: we regret to announce that the exhibit for one of the largest shieldon in the world has reached full capacity.

Ash: no way!

Goh: you're kidding me!

(Y/N): well you should've got in the queue quicker then.

Goh: (on the ground sad) alive shieldon...

Ash: (same state) I wanted to see it so bad.

Chloe: well that's the way it goes but it looks like something is going on over there. (They look over)

Lady: this way to the fossil dig! Enter now and you can keep one of the fossils you discover! If it's a good find this might be your chance to restore it, this is a true fossil Pokemon adventure.

Chloe: hear that.

Goh: sounds like a good chance to catch a fossil Pokemon.

Ash: what do you say let's do it.

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