Part 156

539 9 2

(We are back once again at Wyndon stadium as it's the next day as (Y/N) watches from the audience as we see Chloe is with him)

Chloe: I'm so glad I got time freed up to come and support you.

(Y/N): it means a lot

Chloe: plus I can say hey to Ash after so long too.

Leon: hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N)): huh? (He looks to see Leon arrive) 

Leon: mind if I have a seat?

(Y/N): be my guest (he sits next to (Y/N))

Chloe: it's Leon

Leon: (sees Chloe) oh hey there (he looks at the two of them) I thought I'd come sit in the crowd with ya, to be honest I haven't done this for a long, long time.

(Y/N): really? But this is the best view.

Leon: you think so? I guess with me being the world monarch for so long I haven't sat out here in a long time. (Noticed something) looks like it's about to start.

(They look onto the battlefield as the announcer begins talking as the crowd are cheering and excited)

Announcer: today we begin the semi-finals of the masters 8 tournament and the first match is starting right now! As out first (we see Iris walking out) she strives to be a dragon master and she toppled one many people consider a dragon master, the champion of the Kanto region Lance to get here! she is the current champion of the Unova region, it's Iris! (Iris is waving and cheering as she gets to her side of the battlefield)

Announcer: and on the other side, he's striving to be a Pokémon master as he progressed here by defeating the worldwide famous actress, grand Duchess of the battle chateau and most importantly the champion of Kalos Diantha, he is the Alola champion from Kanto and current world monarch, Ash Ketchum!

(Ash Ketchum walks to his side of the battlefield as both competitors are on their sides as the referee arrives onto the battlefield)

Referee: (who arrives on the battlefield) here are the rules for this match, each trainer will be allowed 6 Pokémon as it'll be a 6 on 6 battle! There's no time limit or limit on switching Pokémon, the winner will be the one who leaves all of their opponent's Pokémon unable to battle. Additionally, for this round a contestant can use two of the following mechanics for this match, dynamax, a z move or mega evolution, once for this match! Now contestants please send your first Pokémon to the field! 3...2...1... go!

(The two trainers get out their pokeballs)

Ash/Iris: I choose you!

(They threw their pokeballs as we see Iris send out her garchomp as we see Ash send out sceptile)

Commentator: and we start off this match with garchomp vs sceptile!

Iris: use shadow claw!

Ash: quick attack!

(Sceptile uses quick attack and heads straight towards Garchomp as it hits garchomp and it uses it's legs to jump off of garchomp and avoid the shadow claw though garchomp doesn't let up)

Ash/Iris: leaf blade!/dragon claw!

(Garchomp transitions from shadow claw to dragon claw as sceptile uses leaf blade and the Pokémon clash as they clash around the battlefield as sceptile leaps onto the a side of the stadium as garchomp flies after sceptile and they continue clashing)

Ash: now!

(We see sceptile smirk as it starts getting faster as garchomp is struggling to keep up)

Ash: now!

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