Part 70

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(We cut to an icy area where we see lots of eiscue as we focus on two specific Pokémon as one relaxes on the ice that floats away as we see another by itself as it looks at all the eiscue having fun as we see it get on a bit of ice and float away aswell)

(Timeskip: we see one of the eiscue, the one relaxing, sit up and look around as it seems lost)

(At Cerise lab we see Dustin fly by and scizor punching the air as wimpod runs away being scared by scizor as we cut to the water type Pokémon and then greedent and both nidoran)

Ash: hey gang! Chow time!

(We see they have brought food

Goh: alright here you go, dig in.

(Grookey and Pikachu begun eating the food)

Goh: wow raichu you're helping out too.

(We see greedent, panpour, both pansears and the nidorans in a line as grookey runs to the front but greedent stops him and shouts at him and grookey goes to the back)

Goh: that's right grookey you've gotta wait your turn.

Cerise: lined up like that, they look a lot like falinks.

Ash: falinks?

(Y/N): who's that Pokemon?

(They show a picture of falinks)

Chrysa: falinks is made up off six individual who always move together in a line.

Ash: isn't that kinda like what an exeggcute does?

Ren: precisely. All 6 individuals have excellent teamwork so they act just like one Pokémon.

Ash: awesome I want to see that!

Cerise: then you'll have to travel to the Galar region.

Ash: the Galar region.

Goh: there's only one thing to do.

(Y/N): let's go.

(Meanwhile we see the two eiscue now with their ice rafts next to each other until they break and get smaller only leaving room to stand until they fall into the water as a lapras swims by as they resurface)

(With the trio)

Goh: hmmm. It should be in this area!

Ash: where! Over here?!

(They all look around frantically as Goh sees a pokeball)

Goh: a pokeball? What is it doing here?

(Goh goes to pick it up but the ground gets eyes and we see it's a Pokémon that tries to bite Goh's hand off as he screams)

Ash: what's going on Goh?

(Y/N): woah cool!

(They go over to see a galarian stunfisk hopping up and down)

Goh: that's not a pokeball... it's a... Pokémon.

Ash: maybe it's a stunfisk.

Rotom phone: stunfisk (galarian form): the trap Pokémon, a ground/steel type. Stunfisk lies in the mud while luring opponents in with it's brightly coloured lips and then it attacks with it's two serrated steel fins.

Goh: now pokeball go!

(Goh throws the pokeball that hits stunfisk as the ball shakes three times and pings meaning he's caught it)

Rotom phone: stunfisk (galarian form) has been registered to your Pokédex.

Goh: I caught a stunfisk. I know there are falinks around here so let's check it out.

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