Part 63

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(We start off at Cerise park's flower garden where we see a bunch of Pokémon relaxing such as the three dustox, pinsir, heracross, butterfree and both exeggcutor as well as bellsprout and oddish as Ash, Goh and (Y/N) are spraying them with water as well as nearby there is (Y/N)'s Kirlia, hattrem and kangaskhan who's showing her child the flowers)

Goh: does it feel good?

(We see grookey jumping up and down in excitement)

Ash: water's the best, don't ya think.

(They see Goh's red, blue, orange and yellow flabebe fly by as they look)

Goh: look at that, are the flabebe having a race?

Ash: yeah do your best everyone.

(They stop flying as they're covered in a blue light as they evolve into floette)

Ash: awesome they evolved 

Rotom phone: floette has been registered to your Pokédex. Floette, the single bloom Pokémon, a fairy type. Floette flies around fields of flowers caring for the ones that aren't getting enough water. It battles by using the innate power of flowers.

Goh: great all five flabebe have evolved into... wait a minute buy where the white flowered flabebe? Hey flabebe! (The white flowered one appears as it tries flying but is struggling a lot as Goh catches it as Ash holds onto him so they don't fall off the bridge into the water potentially causing more damage)

(Y/N): uh Goh I think there's a massive issue for flabebe (points at it's flower)

Goh: it's flower is missing a petal!

Ash: no wonder it couldn't fly so well

(Flabebe looks sad)

Ash: now what will you do?

Goh: there's nothing else for us to do but find another white flower 

Ash: but where do we find it? I don't see any around here.

Goh: I bet we find one near Kalos where I caught flabebe.

(Flabebe looks up at him)

Goh: don't you worry flabebe we'll get you a white flower for sure

Ash: let's go find flabebe wits flower!

(Y/N): let's go adventure...

Ash: off to Kalos!

Ash/(Y/N)/Goh: let's go!

(In Kalos) 

Goh: hmm I'm sure I caught flabebe right around here. Do you think you'll be able to show me where the white flowers you like are?

(Flabebe tries flying but can't as Goh catches it)

Goh: flying on that flower is dangerous. (We see Goh put flabebe's flower into a container) once it's on top of the flower it wants to fly.

Goh: you're right, that's why I'll keep this flower safe.

(We see flabebe on Goh's shoulder look sad until it goes onto his hair and holds onto the two parts sticking out at the top)

Ash/Goh: up there?

(Meanwhile (Y/N) is laughing his ass off)

Goh: what's up?

Ash: it must be more comfortable up there because it's got your hair to grab onto.

Goh: really? My hair?

(Starts pulling causing Goh to lean in one direction)

(Y/N): (pointing and laughing) you're like a giant flower! (Laughs more)

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