Episode 122 from Ash's and Goh's perspective

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(We start at place the masters 8 tournament contestants are staying as a bunch of gossifleur fly by in the wind as we see Ash is sleeping with Pikachu as his phone's alarm goes off as we see him wake up and looks over to see grookey asleep but (Y/N) and Goh are not present well in their beds that is but we see Goh sat at the table in their room on his phone as (Y/N) is not present in the room at all)

Ash: hey Goh

(We see Goh writing stuff down as he looks at his phone as Ash comes over)

Ash: Goh!

(Goh shouts out in panic and is jump scared as he catches his phone and pencil in his hands which he threw up in the air in panic as he has a sigh of relief)

Ash: awake already?

Goh: yeah, it's project mew. They sent me all of this. (Shows him a bunch of photos) see, I was just making sense of all of it, it's such good stuff.

Ash: yeah? That's awesome!

Goh: (we see grookey is awake now and on his shoulder as Pikachu is on Ash's shoulder) so I'll be ready when they call on me.

Ash: you give it your all and find mew okay.

Goh: yeah and I'm counting on you to win in the semi finals.

Ash: right! (Realises) Wait where's (Y/N)? 

Goh: he left a while ago, he liked the pictures too but I think he went to switch some Pokémon and do some last minute training before his battle today. 

(Brief flash back)

(Y/N): you've got this Goh, you're one intelligent individual when it comes to analysis and stuff so I know when they call on you, you're gonna be a big help in the search and I know you and mew will have that encounter once again and one day, I know you're gonna catch mew, so don't let up and keep trying you got that?

Goh: right! And you love battling so much and keep wanting to get stronger and stronger and improve every day. I'm counting on you to make it past the semifinals and for you and Ash to make it to the finals because I know and believe you can do it!

(Y/N): I'll do my best.

(We see (Y/N) walking away as we focus on his pov for small bit as we see as he's facing away from Goh and walking we see his eyes are shadowed over)

(Y/N) thoughts: win and make it to the finals huh. Truth be told I'm not sure if I'm good enough to beat Leon. (Pictures Ash and Goh as we see him have a big grin as his face is seen as he has determination in my eyes) but if my friends believe in me, I certainly ain't going down without a fight.

(Flashback end as we cut back to Ash and Goh in the present as they're outside as Dragonite is flying about, Pikachu is using iron tail, gengar is floating and moving about really fast, Lucario is punching and kicking the air, as Sirfetch'd is practicing stance and sword techniques as dracovish tries to get its bite as strong as it can as Ash and his team are training just like (Y/N) told him too)

Ash: that's good, you really know those moves. Awesome stuff!

Goh: they're all sure raring to go.

(We see Dragonite fly down fats and crash into Ash as the Pokémon are surprised since Dragonite came out of nowhere  as they go flying through some bushes and land and came to a stop as a certain someone is surprised by their entrance as we see it's none other than the queen of Sinnoh Cynthia and her ace garchomp)

Cynthia: Ash is that you? Dragonite?

Ash: hey Cynthia.

(Goh, grookey and the rest of Ash's team arrive as Dragonite gets off of Ash)

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