Part 78

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(We start off in Vermillion city where we see Chloe, ponyta and eevee on top of ponyta returning from school)

Goh: Chloe! Stop that Pokémon please!

Chloe: me?! Stop that thing!? What do I do! What do I do! What do I do!

(Y/N): don't panic! Panicking's a bad option!

(We see eevee jump as Chloe panics and grabs eevee and takes cover as we see the shiny voltorb  jump over them)

Ash: yeah now's your chance Goh!

Goh: pokeball go!

(He throws it as it hits voltorb and goes into the pokeball and it shakes three times and pings signalling he's caught voltorb)

Rotom phone: voltorb has been registered to your Pokédex.

Ash: (three way high five) alright!

(Y/N): you got a shiny! Congrats!

Chloe: you three really frightened me.

Goh: sorry. I've wanted a shiny Pokémon for like forever, especially since (Y/N) caught his shiny nincada.

(Y/N): yeah!

(They both send out nincada and voltorb as they sparkle when they exit out their pokeballs)

Ash: and blue voltorb are really rare right? (Shows a normal voltorb)

(Y/N): all shinies are rare. According to my phone 1 out of 4096 Pokémon will be a different colour.

Chloe: wow it's such a pretty blue

Goh: be careful, don't mess around with them or they'll explode.

(Y/N): (sees nincada look sad) you look amazing too nincada your shiny gold/yellow is beautiful.

Chloe: it is. (Nincada has star in it's eyes)

Person: blue gets a big like from me! I'm so very happy! (Charges and leaps at voltorb) I cannot contain my admiration! (We see he has a Dewott with him)

Goh: don't do it!

(They grab voltorb as it lights up and explodes)

Man: uh I bet your pardon that voltorb was just so beautiful that I felt like it was calling my name.

Goh: oh... and who are you?

Gorman: me? My name's Gorman. I'm from the Kalos region (he tries fixing his hair and dusting the smoke off his jacket) I'm a blue Pokémon fanatic who travels here to there, I've come to Kanto for that reason. (Fixes his hair and jacket back to normal)

Ash: blue Pokémon fanatic?

Chloe: so that means you really like blue Pokémon?

Gorman: that's right! So calm and so cool and some can produce the hottest of flames! Really! And when confronted by their limitless charms I find my heart enthralled and filled to the brim!

Rotom phone: dewott, the discipline Pokémon, a water type.  With it's swordsmanship that flows like water dewott's skill at using two scalchops from long and difficult training.

Goh: so that's why your partner is blue 

Gorman: to tell you the truth dewott is the spice of my life, a life that is seasoned to perfection. (They high five) so my young friends I feel out meeting here is fate, would you care to be blue Pokemon fanatics too?

Ash: you mean us?

Gorman: fanatics relating to all things blue, I call it "Do-Blue".

(Y/N): (mumbling to himself quietly) I have no clue with the obsession of blue (gasps) blue's clues.  (He does more mumbling until Chloe pokes him and he snaps out of it as they look at each other and grim)

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