Part 92

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(We continue where we left off with (Y/N) lifting his mega ring)

Camilla: lopunny dizzy punch!

(Y/N): we'll get stronger and stronger, our hearts united mega evolve! (Venusaur then mega evolves into mega Venusaur) let's do it!

Camilla: fire punch!

(Mega lopunny leaps towards mega Venusaur at high speeds with fire punch)

(Y/N): protect yourself with power whip!

(Mega Venusaur uses power whip as it acts like the counter shield as lopunny punches the first few away but is overwhelmed and hit back)

Ash: a counter shield.

(Y/N): sludge bomb!

Camilla: jump and use high jump kick!

(Mega Venusaur fires sludge bomb as mega lopunny leaps high into the air avoiding the sludge bombs and comes down using high jump kick hitting Venusaur)

(Y/N): now!

(Venusaur wraps vines around mega lopunny)

(Y/N): use petal blizzard!

(Mega lopunny is hit point blank by a petal blizzard as it's launched back but lands on it's feet)

Camilla: fire punch and break your way through!

(Lopunny uses fire punch at high speeds as it breaks through the petals and reaches mega Venusaur and goes to hit it with fire punch)

(Y/N): sludge bomb!

(Mega Venusaur fires sludge bomb as they both hit each other as mega lopunny gets poisoned and mega Venusaur gets burned)

Camilla: dizzy punch!

(Mega lopunny lands dizzy punch as mega Venusaur gets confused as it is hurt more by the burn)

Goh/Ash: oh no!

(Y/N): Venusaur!

(Venusaur is swaying about in confusion)

Camilla: fire punch!

(Y/N): power whip!

(Mega Venusaur in confusion spins around really fast like a tornado or a beyblade as mega lopunny jumps over the power whip but as it lands it gets hit until mega Venusaur stops spinning and is confused what it was doing as both Pokémon are hurt by their status condition)

(Y/N): Venusaur, it's okay we can do this (Venusaur nods)

Camilla: you're doing better than last time we'll give you that much. Lopunny fire punch!

(Mega lopunny charges in with fire punch)

(Y/N): in the air!

(Mega Venusaur leaps into the surprising mega lopunny and Camilla)

(Y/N): solar beam!

(Mega Venusaur charges up solar beam fighting through the burn but not shaking it off)

Camilla: get ready to jump!

(Mega Venusaur fires the solar beam as lopunny jumps and avoids it as it reaches mega Venusaur as it ignores it's poison)

Camilla: fire punch back to back!

(Mega lopunny hits mega Venusaur with lots of consecutive fire punches)

Camilla: now a big one!

(Mega lopunny uses fire punch and hits mega Venusaur as it slams it into the ground)

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