Part 50

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The Pokémon world coronation series is a tournament that decides the greatest trainers in the Pokémon world. Ash is setting his sights on the current monarch Leon and has entered the coronation series for that very reason with his friend (Y/N) not too far behind him. Trainers from all over the world are competing, they battle others within their class and their results determine the rankings of all trainers in the competition.

(We see Ash's battles between Korrina and Bea before we see an image of all the trainers Ash nas beat off screen)

Currently Ash ranks 415 in the great class as his friend (Y/N) currently ranks 1111 of the normal class with a long way to go before either of them can challenge Leon)

Ash: Pikachu use thunderbolt!

(Pikachu uses thunderbolt as gengar dodges it)

Today Ash and (Y/N) are once again in training

(Gengar uses psychic and launches Pikachu and throws Pikachu away as we see Dragonite and Lucario fighting as we see farfetch'd sitting in the corner before it has a gleam in it's eye and slams it's leek on the ground causing the training Pokemon and Ash to stagger)

Ash: you're raring to aren't you farfetch'd.

(He whacks Ash with his leek and slams him into the ground)

Ash: your power is awesome, I can feel it.

(Farfetch'd has a serious expression)

(Meanwhile we quickly go over to (Y/N) as we see his Pokémon in groups fighting and battling each other and far away we see thievul and croagunk battling until pawniard jumps in making it a three way until (Y/N)'s phone starts ringing)

(Y/N): that's enough training everyone! (Answers phone)

(We cut back to Ash as Goh rushes onto the scene)

Goh: there you are!

Ash: what's up Goh?

Goh: this is! It looks like there's a mass outbreak of geodude. All I need to do catch one and evolve it into graveler and then golem all in one shot

Ash: where is it?

Goh: right here.

Ash: looks like rock tunnel. Farfetch'd this will be great for your training, let's go.

(Y/N): ah so you're using farfetch'd more now, that's good. 

(We see (Y/N) has arrived)


Goh: rock tunnel this is it! There's a geodude outbreak but where are they. Not even one.  Agne they all moved on already.

(Y/N): have ya tired smashing the rocks?

(We see farfetch'd smashing rocks as we speak)

Ash: look out!

(We see Ash and Pikachu as cinderace jumps up and kicks the rocks breaking them)

Ash: are you guys alright?

Goh: yeah, fine. Thanks a lot cinderace.

Ash: you've got to be more careful farfetch'd.

(Farfetch'd turns it's head slightly to look back at Ash before walking off as farfetch'd closes it's eyes and focuses)

Goh: it looks like your training is coming along.

Ash: yeah, how are you doing.

Goh: I don't see a single geodude anywhere

(Y/N): imma go do my training today

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