part 7

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Narrator: ash's goal is to become a Pokémon master and goh's goal is to catch every kind of Pokémon while (Y/N)'s is to become friends with loads of people and pokemon.what Pokémon will they encounter today.

(See huge horde of tentacool)

Ash: woah awesome it really is a huge bunch of tentacool

Goh: see what did I tell you ash

(Ash pokes the tentacool)

(Y/N): ash don't do that!!

(Tentacool retaliates with a bubble beam)

Goh: I want one for me, which one? I should catch the strongest I could find

(Sees one and throws the pokeball just for it to move and hit another one and catch it)

Rotom phone: tentacool has been registered to your Pokédex

Goh: this'll do just fine

(Y/N): what's that? (Points out to shore)

Ash: I don't know but it's coming in fast!

Goh: a sharpedo?

((A/N): so goh knows the suffering of surfing on the Isle of armour too, he maybe better than he lets on)

Goh: no it's a gyarados and I'm going to catch a big one!

((A/N) never mind, eh to be fair they're still pretty annoying but not as much)

(There's a huge amount of water and a Pokémon emerges and it's revealed to be a piplup?)

Ash: it looks like

Goh: a piplup?

(Piplup collapses)

(Y/N)/goh/ash: AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!

(Cut to Cerise laboratory where we see piplup scoffing down food like it hadn't eaten for days)

((Y/N) uses his rotom dex)

Rotom dex: piplup the penguin Pokémon, a water type, piplup are very proud Pokémon and an excellent swimmer. It has a layer of down that keeps out the cold.

Ash: where did it come from?

Goh: don't know but it sure can eat alot

Cerise: truly, and I'm sure there's good reasons for it.

Koharu: I'm home

(Koharu enters)

Cerise: hi koharu

Koharu: why are you all hanging around here

Goh: we seemed to have found wayward piplup

Koharu: piplup? Where?

Ash: down by your feet

(Look to see eaten food but no piplup)

(Mimey comes in and starts freaking out and (Y/N) comes back)

(Y/N): why has piplup filled the sink full of water and swimming back and forth in it?

Goh: it's doing what!!

(Cut to bathroom)


(We see piplup swimming in the sink doing laps like a race)

Ren: could you come into the main room please

(In the main room we see everyone walk in with ash holding a struggling piplup who's fighting against him)

Pokémon journeys Male reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now