Part 82

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(We start off at Bea's gym in Stow-on-Side in the Galar region where the trio arrive and we see Bea punching the air and training as all the fighting types with her are joining in)

Ash: it's Bea and her Pokémon.

(We see Machamp, pangoro, hawlucha, hitmontop and Grapploct and a falinks as they're now doing kicks as tney copy her doing a punch but she stops as she notices they're there,

Bea: (stops her Pokémon) that's good. (They stop as she speaks to Ash) you're riolu's trainer, it has been awhile,

Ash: my name is Ash! And it's not riolu now see! (Sends out Lucario)

Bea: it appears it has evolved, alright.  Very well Lucario's trainer.

Goh: I should've known.

(Y/N): I mean if you didn't see that come on then there's no hope for ya.

(They  are all looking at Lucario)

Ash: oh yeah (gets his pokeballs) everybody come on out. (Sends his other four Pokémon of Dragonite, gengar, Sirfetch'd and dracovish) I want you to meet my friends.

Bea: my Pokémon are the 6 you see here,

Goh: so you each have 6, you're basically laying your cards on the table.

(Y/N): well they did draw last time, so I guess you could say this is double or nothing.

(Ash nods)

Be: shall we train together? (Gets in a fighting position) what do you say?

Ash: I'm sorry. I totally forgot Korrina and I are meeting up.

(Y/N): I'll take a shot. (Grins)

(He charges at her and goes for a strike as she blocks it as (Y/N) jumps hack and throws his clothes off to reveal he has a training (in the form of martial arts) attire of sorts underneath that he's currently wearing)

(Y/N): I still owe you a shot after you destroyed during yours and Ash's first ever meeting in Kanto)

Bea: very well. 

(We see her get into a stance as he goes for a strike and Bea blocks and (Y/N) goes for a punch but Bea once again dodges and goes for a kick as (Y/N) dodges and then dodges another before grabbing a punch and performing a shoulder throw but she lands on her feet and does a shoulder throw on him as he lands and goes to sweep the legs which she dodges as he barely dodges a roundhouse kick as he leaps forwards and goes for a kick  which she blocks with her arm but before she can capitalise (Y/N) flips backwards off her arm and gets back into a stance)

(We then see him step into something as he goes for punch as Bea is ready to block but we see him start to turn around and he performs a spinning roundhouse kick which caught her off guard for a split second but she dodges it anyway but (Y/N) follows throw with a punch but she catches it and tosses him over her shoulder and performing a shoulder throw as (Y/N) lands on his back)

Bea: it's over.

(Y/N): damn you beat me.

(He gets up as they pay respects for the small spar as something is heard by Pikachu who points Ash's head in the direction of the noise and here is Korrina who has her helmet covering her eyes as she is holding a bag and we see the serious expression on her face)

Ash: K-Korrina?

Goh: hey Ash, (Y/N)... do those two even get along?

(Flash back to Grapploct destroying her mega Lucario and the conversation of Ash and Bea)

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