Part 144: The Mew From Here!

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(We start off with everyone of project mew as they're in the flying airship lab all suited out and getting informed by the senior chasers)

Danika: the short dry season has arrived early than expected, that's why we have to move up our schedule and get started. We appreciate you were able to respond to our emergency

Amouranth: I imagine mew is having a good laugh at us, seeing humans scramble around like this (mime jr looks at amouranth) 

Danika: we're currently heading for a small landmass called faraway island 

(A/N): I'm loving the Pokémon emerald event call back.

Danika: the entire island is normally engulfed in high winds and clouds preventing access but now during the dry season the sky clears enough to allow it

Amouranth: (pulls up map of faraway island) last year we picked up strong psychic energy signals. They came from the central part of what's known as table mountain. We theorise those signals came from mew, that was when we assembled the project mew team

Danika: now here's the plan for us chasers. We will land on faraway island and make the climb to table mountain and from there we'll start out search for mew. However it won't be easy, the vicinity of table mountain is prone to turbulence. Any approach by air I will be so we'll land some distance away and start from there.

Quillon: entering the island's airspace is a bumpy ride.

(It gets bumpy as the ship lab is effected as we see Quillon is the pilot and his weavile is the copilot as they get through the clouds and make it to the island but even so it's still bumpy and shaky)

(We cut to the ship landing)

Amouranth: tell me if you find anything alright. Much success chasers

All 6 of them: sir!

(The door opens as they head out and as they're all together and looking at the surroundings)

Goh: woah amazing.

Horace: yeah 

(We see all sorts of Pokémon to a yanma, a slakoth, a group of vivillon, a gloom and vileplume and Swellow and Toucannon on tree branches)

Goh: this place is tearing with Pokémon life

Horace: it's truly a Pokémon paradise

(We see a bunch of sandile sleeping as we see a totodile jump into the water)

Quillon: let's go.

Gary/Zoro/Goh/Horace: sir.

(They begin their advance forward as we cut to after they've been walking for some time as they stop)

Danika: hey Goh, can you start the sensor.

Goh: alright.

(He gets out this device and turns it on)

Gary: is that it? The new device you created and professor Amouranth help update and improve?

Goh: yeah. It catches psychic energy in the area and signals the lab.

(We see Quillon looking at them)

Goh: the lab then looks for waveform similarities produced by mewtwo who I've met before.

(We see Quillon has this camera thing on him as Amouranth communicates to them through it as we see he's still at the lab)

Amouranth: it works because mew and mewtwo's waveforms should be identical 

Danika: professor Amouranth, how's the reception?

Amouranth: (checks) it's reacting normally. I'll be in contact soon (hangs up as we cut back to the chasers)

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