Part 46

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(A/N): as much as I would like to skip this and the next one episode I won't since this one is canon due to an evolution from Goh's side and the next one is too technically even if nothing is actually done since you know sort of character development I guess?

(We see Ash with Dragonite, Goh with squovet and (Y/N) with zigzagoon)

Announcer: it's the Vermilion city Pokemon grand eating contest! From every region we've got seasoned contestants that know how to eat and that includes a few newcomers who feel like this is their magic moment to really shine! They're ready to face past winners like last years champ snorlax but wait we're especially honoured to have the eating contest legend who has travelled the globe to worldwide acclaim emperor blaziken! 

(Blaziken lets out a shout as it raises its arm in the air as the trainer tips his hat as the crowd cheer)

Chrysa: yay! Blaziken!

Anniouncer: the winner will receive tickets to Unova and plus as much food as they want at everyone of Unova's gourmet eateries! Now contestants are you ready to eat!

(All the trainers and Pokemon let out a cheer)

(Flashback: a few days ago they're serving food to the Pokemon)

Goh: everybody come and get it!

(Goh's sobble, sentret, squovet and sandile come over and eat as all the others start eating whilst (Y/N) is serving food to his Pokemon as Lucario and Cinderace sleep in the shade under a tree)

Goh: oh they're sleeping.

Ash: let's just let them be. Huh? (Points as Goh looks to see squovet)

Goh: you finished already? And now you want more? (Sweatdrops) did your tummy turn into a bottomless pit.

Cerise: there is only one way to find out. 

(Y/N: you too zigzagoon? Is eating the only thing you do when I don't use you in battles?

(Zigzagoon nods but keeps nudging it's bowl towards (Y/N))

(Timeskip: in the lab)

Goh: an eating contest for Pokemon?

Ash: looks awesome!

Goh: right and we're gonna win!

(Y/N): as long as it's one of us three it'll be easy.

Chrysa: how naive. 

(They turn to look at her)

Chrysa: Vermillion City's eating contest is famous fir attracting top talent. This year they've even invited the odds on favourite none other than the eating contest legend emperor Blaziken.

Goh: sounds perfect for us.

(Y/N): yeah let's see how a legend compares to two bottomless pits.

Chrysa: huh?

Goh: squovet and I will take on the best their is no matter where they come form! 

(Y/N): when it comes to food zigzagoon has very few equals, skwovet is one but the rest dint stand a chance.

(The two have such a flaming energy of competitiveness and passion that it's like they're actually on fire)

Ash: right with ya!

(Flashback end) 

Ash: okay Dragonite let's win. (Dragonite is licking his face and giving him a hug)

Goh: not if we can help it.

(Y/N): or us.

(Meanwhile James, in disguise, of team rocket are freaking out the twerps are here)

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