Part 116 (Radio lulled the mischievous stars!)

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(A/N): huh thats weird when did that stuff in brackets get there?

Team rocket: coming at you!

(A/N): oh no you don't!

Jessie: please

(A/N): no!

James: pretty please?

(A/N): no!

Meowth: pretty please with a cherubi on top?

(A/N): (sighs) fine, I'll cut ya a deal. I'll leave your little bracket there but you're not hijacking this!

Meowth: we'd like more but you know what bub you've got yourself a deal.

James: thank you for allowing us to infiltrate your chapter.

Jessie: now on team rocket's undercover kingdom radio-

(A/N): pack it in! (Clears throat) now let's get back to the chapter.

Jessie: alright, alright no need to be so grumpy about it.

Narrator: Ash's goal is to battle one of the world's strongest trainer, Leon. Goh's goal is to catch every kind of Pokémon, including mew. (Y/N)'s goal while he's currently also looking for Leon his main goal on his journey is to befriend all sorts of people and Pokémon. This is the story of how-

Jessie: put a sock in it!

Narrator: huh?!

Jessie: (laughs) hi from the other side of our broadcast signal.

Narrator: wait! What?

Jessie: spare me the whats this is our time!

Narrator: no it isn't.

Jessie: I'm taking over this narration gig.

Narrator: no you're not. I mean we haven't even got 

Jessie: out of my way.

Narrator: but, but.

(We cut away from the intro)

Jessie: test, do you copy out there? Okay, title time.

(We cut to team rocket as they have paper and microphones)

Jessie: listen you two we're are reading this one together capeesh? Ready, set-

Jessie/James/Meowth: welcome to team rocket's undercover kingdom radio live!

Jessie: coming right at ya!

Wobbufett: Wobbu! (Taps the rotom phone)

Roronoa phone: yeah, you rang.

Meowth: (speaks quietly) turn on the background before I turn you into a phone book.

Rotom phone: please, take on someone else.

(Jessie has this really creepy face as she gets closer to the rotom phone who is rightfully intimidated)

Rotom phone: when you put it that way. (Plays the music)

Jessie: feast your ears on our live late night talks show team rocket's undercover kingdom radio! I'm Jessie (winks) your queen, your star. Right here...

James: agh! You mean me? (Clears his throat) my name is-

Jessie: this is James, second fiddle but first class (James has his mouth agape as Jessie is taking over everything) to my right 

Meowth: it's Meowth, that's right! A super star to light!

Jessie: wait if you're a superstar then I have to, I have to be, the super great super ultra super master superstar!

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