Part 47

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(They are walking through Unova in Castelia city)

Ash: come out Lucario!

Goh: Cinderace!

(They send out their Pokemon)

Ash: okay everyone are your tummies good and empty! (Ash raises his arm in the air)

Goh: yeah! (He and Cinderace raise heir arms in the air)

Ash: alright then.

Goh: (raises ticket) first prize from the Pokemon grand eating contest! Our Unova gourmet eatery tour starts now!

Ash: first a Unova specialty a yummy Castelia cone.

(Cinderace gets excited and stats patting lucario on its back much to it's disliking)

Goh: let's go Cinderace.

(Cindeace runs after Goh as Lucario walks like he's done with this already)

(Y/N): I don't really feel up to it you two.

Ash/Goh: what!

Goh: then why did you even come!

(Y/N): to catch Pokemon and make friends with them. (Sees a Pokemon) ooh yes please! Go zigzagoon! (Sends out zigzagoon) 

(Y/N): zigzagoon use tackle!

(Zigzagoon uses tackle as does the other Pokemon which is revealed to be a lilipup which begins to use work up)

(Y/N): zigzagoon use belly drum!

(Zigzagoon uses belly drum as the lilipup goes to use bite)

(Y/N): zigzagoon sand attack!

(Zigzagoon uses sand attack and kicks sand into lilipup's eyes causing it to miss bite)

(Y/N): zigzagoon use tackle!

(Zigzaoon chzrges in with tackle until lilipup uses baby doll eyes lowering zigzagoon's attack but also makes it hesitate as lilipup uses retaliate and hits zigzagoon as the two attacks clash as lilipup falls to the ground)

(Y/N): go pokeball!

(He throws a poekeball hitting lilipup and it goes in and shakes three times and pings signalling he's caught it)

(Y/N): oh yeah I caught a lilipup! Come on out (sends out lilipup) let's go you two we need to catch up the other gust and get you both some food.

(They cheer until a shadowy figure lurks in the background of a nearby alley as it dashes and zigzagoon and lilipup are attacked from the side by a metal claw and they both faint)

(Y/N): oh no! Hey who did that! (Sees blurry figure go into an alley) hey hey hack here! (Chases after it)

(With team rocket)

Jessie: thank you so much. (Bored) twerps can you step on it a bit.

James: ah leave it to team rocket to trap the twerps with their ice cream truck while lying in wait.

Jessie: while they let their guards down on their "gourmet tour" they can eat and we'll steal pikachu.

Meowth: so why you may ask we are sure if our plan's success it's because of this little dude. Yellow fur and pointy ears! (We see a robot Pikachu) presenting practically Pikachu!

Jessie/James: practically Pikachu?

Meowth: that lilting look, the feel of it's fur and the weight they're exactly the same, a real deal. (Turns it on as they are surprised)

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