Part 33

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Cerise: here eat up.

(Puts down two plates of food before coming back with a third one)

(Y/N)/Ash/Goh: thank you.

(The people and the Pokémon begin eating their food)

Ash: yum.

Goh: yours look good too. Can we trade?

Ash: okay.

(They swap meals and begin eating)

(Y/N): this is so good!

Ash/Goh: can we try some?

(Y/N): (pulls plate closer) no. Mine.

Ash/Goh: (saddened) why not?

(Y/N): mine.

Ash/Goh: bu-

(Y/N): mine.

(They look away saddened they can't try the tasty looking food before (Y/N) quickly  gets two smaller plates from the kitchen and splits his food into eighths so he has 6/8 while the other get 1/8 each)

(Y/N): (handing them the plates) just kidding. You can have a little bit.

(They take a bit into one at the same time)

Ash/Goh: it's really good!

(Y/N): there we go a small yet satisfying trade.

Cerise: speaking of trading. I hear they're having a Pokemon trading event down in the Pokemon center today.

Ash: a Pokemon trading event.

Goh: woah! I hadn't thought of doing that! I'd love to trade as well as meet some brand new Pokemon.

(Y/N): I'll come with but trading my Pokemon isn't exactly my favourite thing to do.

(Timeskip: at the Pokemon center)

(Ash, Goh and (Y/N) are gushing at all the Pokemon in one place as we see two people at the front)

Old man: you take good care ducks. (Returns farfetch'd)

Girl: be good speary, bye. (Returns spearow)

(The two pokeballs are placed in this machine and a button is pressed by the two trainers and the trade initiates with the screen showing the two Pokemon farfetch'd and spearow switching places and the machine stops as the two pokeballs come out)

Girl: alright come out. (Sends out farfetch'd) we're going to be the best of friends.

Old man: (sends out spearow) may I call you speary aswell?

Goh: cool! Pokemon trading let's go!!

(Goh is walking around with raboot and a nervous sobble close behind)

Goh: I wonder who I should trade with. (Sees someone) hold one is that a kricketune? Rotom give me some info on kricketune.

Rotom dex: kricketune, the cricket Pokemon, a bug type. Kricketune make sounds by rubbing it's knife like arms together in front of it's chest. It can improvise melodies this way.

Goh: hm?

Kricketune?: huh?

(The girl looking kricketune turns and creepily rushes over to Goh)

Girl: it's my outfit right. You know why I'm wearing it don't you?

Goh: you're trying to look like a kricketune?

Girl: (laughs) exactly. How very observant of you. (Goes right up close) tell me do you like bug types?

Goh: (nervous/intimidated by how close she is) W-well I've caught every kind of bug type in Kanto.

Pokémon journeys Male reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now