Part 25

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(They're on a plane to the Kalos region as pikachu is eating snacks until Ash takes them off him)

Ash: that's enough buddy. You've had plenty already, besides we're about to land. (Closes packet)

Goh: it's my first time in Kalos! I say we catch a bunch of Pokemon! (To Ash) And you better win the battle festival challenge! 

Ash: for sure and I'll keep winning!

(Y/N): I think we'll be seeing one of my friends from Kalos while we're there as well so I'm excited since it's been a bit. Also Ash you might have a surprise.

(Off the plane and on the beach we see Goh near a rock and has his Pokédex out and points it over at binacle)

Goh: there's one. I think I know what it is.

Rotom dex: binacle, the two handed Pokemon, a rock/water type. Binacle stretch and contract their bodies to pull their rocks along with them. They eat seaweed that they find washed up on shore.

Goh: okay pokeball go!

(Goh throws the pokeball and captures binacle)

Rotom dex: binacle has been registered to your Pokédex.

Goh: yes! It's my first Kalos Pokemon.

(A blue flabebe flies by)

Goh: it's a flabebe come on!

(They chase after it)

(Meanwhile with (Y/N) in a forest)

(Y/N): use assurance!

(Nickit uses assurance and hits honedge)

(Y/N): go pokeball!

((Y/N) throws a pokeball and catches a honedge)

(Y/N): oh yeah! Honedge evaded me for a long time whilst I was in Kalos. Thanks Nickit, I think we'll let ivysaur have the next battle I ever have since it's been itching to get out for a bit now.

(Then he sees two big eyes looking at him through a bush as he tries to catch it but it dodges the first pokeball before throwing the second one back at him using a leaf to launch it back which he catches)

(Y/N): the hard way huh. So be it come on out my friend!

((Y/N) sends out ivysaur)

(Y/N): use vine whip.

(Ivysaur uses vine whip and it hits and knocks the Pokemon in the air to reveal to be an espurr)

(Y/N): oh no.

(Espurr's eyes glow as it launches a confusion and hits ivysaur and confuses it as ivysaur begins hitting himself)

(Y/N): ivysaur snap out of it!

(Ivysaur keeps hitting itself as espurr begins walking away)

(Y/N): don't you remember the promises we made! We'd meets all sorts of people and Pokemon! But more importantly you also want to battle Leon. Not like dragonite who wants to defeat his unstoppable ace , you want the icing on the cake by us defeating Leon all together! I can sense it from all the training we've been doing so don't let that confusion stop you I know you can do it!

(Ivysaur snaps out and uses razor leaf hitting espurr)

(Y/n): well done ivysaur now solar beam!

(Espurr uses confusion again and hitting ivysaur but ivysaur hangs on as solar beam is released and hits espurr)

(Y/N): go pokeball! 

((Y/N) throws a pokeball and it shakes 1,2,3 before it pings)

(Y/n): I caught an espurr!

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