Part 128

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(We see a bunch of flying rotoms in the sky as people see them as they begin to make colours and patterns in the sky as it makes the Pokémon world coronation series logo as we see the gang outside of Wyndon stadium)

???: there you are!

(They look as they see this purple haired kid with a wooloo)

???: you're Ash from the Kanto region aren't you and you're (Y/N) from the Johto region!

Ash: yeah why?

(Y/N): huh?

???: well then I'm challenging either of you two to a battle here and now. It's battle time. (We see wooloo has steam come out of it's nostrils as it's ready to battle)

Goh: (whispers to them) I wonder if he knows that you two are members of the masters 8.

???: I heard that. (Goh freaks out) of course I know that's why I'm here, I'm gonna see just how strong you are.

Ash: then you're on, if it's a battle you want I'm in. Right bud? (Pikachu hops on the ground ready to battle)

Rotom dex: wooloo, the sheep Pokémon, a normal type. Wooloo's tight curls of fleece provide a cushioning effect. It could fall from a high cliff and not be injured.

Goh: a wooloo huh, then it must have really good defence.

???: you!

(They look to see this guy in pink and has this weird hair and blue eyes)

???: how dare you ruin chairman Rose's dream! 

(Y/N): who are you again?

Bede: the name's Bede and I was endorsed by the chairman himself and then you Neanderthals had to come and ruin chairman Rose's dreams like the waste of spaces you are, you pathetic fools!

(Y/N): you wanna battle to settle this huh.

Bede: I don't care if you're apart of the masters 8 I'll obliterate you! Hattrem I choose you! (Sends out Hattrem)

(Y/N): a Hattrem huh. Okay then bisharp come on out (sends out bisharp)

Hop: now wooloo double kick!

(Wooloo runs in with double kick)

Bede: Hattrem dazzling gleam!

(Hattrem uses dazzling gleam)

Ash: iron tail!

(Y/N): iron head!

(Both Pokémon charge in as Pikachu hits wooloo with iron tail as bisharp breaks through the dazzling gleam with ease and hits Hattrem with iron head as both Pokémon fly backwards as their trainers catch them and they're both unable to battle

???: wooloo!

Bede: dammit! Hattrem! that's it?

(Y/N): that was very anticlimactic.

Bede: whatever, this isn't over! (Returns Hattrem and walks away)

???: (holding wooloo) a one hit win, naturally. Now I totally see why my brother likes you two?

Ash: huh? Your brother?

(Y/N): (realises) no way, don't tell me...

Hop: yeah see, my name is Hop. Leon's my bro.

Ash: that Leon?!

Goh: you're his brother?!

Ash: that means Leon talked to you about us, that makes me so psyched!

Hop: but I've gotta tell you 

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