Part 71

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(We see a ship firing stuff at cressleia as it dodges until it gets hit by one and crash lands and we see it's the Matori matrix and Matori herself piloting the ship making this the work of team rocket)

Matori: lower altitude, don't lose it.

(We see the ship hovering as the grunts on the ground search as cresslia is elsewhere it stays low  and travels across the water as darkrai senses something as it zooms towards an island)

(We skip to see Ash and Goh and (Y/N) are out until they are interrupted by team rocket trying to steal Pikachu)

Ash: team rocket!

Jessie: listen, is that a voice I hear?

James: it's speaking to me loud and clear.

Jessie: floating on the wind

James: past the stars

Meowth: in your ear

Jessie: bringing chaos at a breakneck pace

James: dashing hope, putting fear in it's place.

Jessie: a rose by any other name is just as sweet

James: when everything's worse our work is complete

Jessie: Jessie

James: and it's James

Meowth: meowth, now that's name

Jessie: putting the do gooders in their place

James: team rocket

Meowth: we're in your face!

Wobbufett: Wobbu-fett!

Ash: that motto again?

Jessie: we thought we bring back an old take

James: for good times sake.

Goh: what do you even want.

Jessie: well-

???: weavile use ice shard!

(Ice shard is hit and pops team rocket's ballon and grabber as Pikachu is freed)

Jessie: not again!

Meowth: "not again!" More like again and again!

James: and just like old times sake.

Team rocket: team rocket are blasting off again!

(As they blast off shouting, shrieking and whining as usual)

Goh: who was that?

(Y/N): (sees who it is as his eyes widen and he has a a big smile) Camilla!

Camilla: heyo! Long time no see (N/N)!

Ash/Goh: (N/N)?

(Y/N): it's her nickname for me, she's my childhood friend.

Ash: childhood friend!

Camilla: you're those Ash and Goh guys aren't ya. Nice to meet ya I'm Camilla. Thanks for looking after (Y/N).

(Y/N): (mumbles) I can look after myself you know.

Goh: oh no, if anything he's constantly running around and helping us.

Camilla: that's great to hear that he isn't causing too much trouble,

(Y/N): what are you here for?

Camilla: I've heard you were in Vermillion city so I came to visit you.

(Goh received a phone call from Cerise form his phone)

(At Cerise laboratory)

Ash: yeah? Nightmares?

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