Part 93

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(We start off in a town as it all looks peaceful and here are vehicles driving, this is Wyndon city, in the Galar region as we cut to the train as our heroes arrive)

Ash: we made it!

Goh: not quite Ash, we have transfer to another train.

Ash: yeah I know. So where's the train heading to Stow-on-side?

(Y/N): so carefree (sees someone) careful Ash!

(He's walking backwards while he talks to Goh and (Y/N) as he knocks into a boy)

Ash: I'm sorry (faces the boy as the boy says nothing and runs away dropping a ticket)

Ash: a ticket! (Picks it up) hey excuse me! It's your ticket! (They continue to run) hey! Here's your ticket! You dropped it!

(They chase after him as they reach a dead end except there's a door with a 0 on it)

Goh: he must have gone in there.

Ash: probably.

(Y/N): that seems ominous.

(They open it up)

Ash: hey! (They go down it as they reach this train on it's own with no people around at all)

Ash: I don't see anyone.

Goh: it doesn't make any sense,

(Y/N): this kinda looks like a ghost train from stories I've read.

(They approach the train as we see a sinistea and a pumpkaboo)

Announcer: the ghost train bound for Stow-on-side will be departing the tracks soon, will all passengers please board as soon as possible.

(Y/N): it even announced it as a ghost train!

Ash: you heard that? It said it's going to Stow-on-side. 

(Y/N): I think you're missing a bigger detail here!

(They hear a noise)

Ash: let's move!

Goh: yeah!

(They rush ahead)

(Y/N): wai- oh who am I kidding. (Rushes after them as they get on the train)

Announcer: the ghost train is now departing. Stage clear of the closing doors please.

(The doors close behind them as the train goes)

(Y/N): I don't trust this, nincada, silicobra come on out. (Sends out nincada and silicobra) be on guard (nincada nods and silicobra shakily nods)

Goh: am I wrong or did the announcer just call this the ghost train?

(Y/N): oh now you notice! The nerve!

Ash: I'm not sure but it doesn't matter what it's called, it's still heading for Stow-on-side. First things first, come on let's give this ticket back.

Goh: (reads) car number 1. Then that means it's the car way at the front of the train.

Ash: yeah, let's go.

(They enter the next car)

Ash: woah check it out! Talk about first class.

Goh: it looks like a special car alright 

(Pikachu and grookey run and play about as Ash checks out the odd keystone)

Ash: what's this all about?

(Y/N): don't go near that! (Grookey jumps and whacks Ash's head into it) that hurt.

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