Part 154

499 9 4

(Where we last left off)

Referee: (who arrives on the battlefield) here are the rules for this match, each trainer will be allowed 4 Pokémon there's no time limit or limit on switching Pokémon, the winner will be the one who leaves all 4 of their opponent's Pokémon unable to battle. Additionally, for this round a contestant can only use one of the following mechanics for this match, dynamax, a z move or mega evolution, once for this match! Now contestants please send your first Pokémon to the field! 3...2...1... go!

(A/N): I know I glossed over the rules in the end of the last chapter but I've been on a break since then and I've got to help my family with moving house so it's been tough so the least I can do after being gone for a while is give a refresher of the rules 

Referee: Now contestants please send your first Pokémon to the field!

(We see both trainers get their pokeball ready)

Referee: 3...2...1... go!

Leon: let's go!

Steven: I choose you!

(They both throw their pokeballs as we see Steven sends out skarmory as we see Leon sends out Aegislash)

Commentator: and we see Steven has started with skarmory and Leon starts with seismitoad!

(We see Ash and (Y/N) as well as Iris as they've just got back to the crowd and got their seats)

Ash: a seismitoad?

(Y/N): I see he's trained even more Pokémon,

Ash: I bet they're just as strong too.

(Back to the battle)

Steven: okay skarmory let's start off with spikes!

(Skarmory has these spikes come put as they shoot out and disappear into the battlefield)

Leon: Aegislash use swords dance!

(Aegislash uses swords dance as it's attack increases)

Commentator: spikes are scattered all over the battlefield! Pokémon that can't fly will be in all sorts of trouble! Though Leon seems undeterred as Aegislash is increasing its power!

Steven: aerial ace!

(Skarmory used aerial ace as it heads towards Aegislash)

Leon: shadow sneak!

(Aegislash unsheathes itself as it disappears into the shadows as we see this shadow on the ground move and dodge and weave around on the ground as it reapers out of the shadow past skarmory as skarmory with its hawk like vision avoids the attack and then it turns around straight away and is locked on to Aeigislash)

Leon: iron head!

(Aegislash still unsheathed uses iron head as it charges in as both Pokémon attack and the moves clash as they separate)

Steven: steel wing!

(Skarmory flies back in with steel wing)

Leon: kings shield!

(Aegislash changes its stance and goes into its shield form and uses king shield as skarmory hits it but it does nothing and Skarmory's attack is reduced)

Commentator: and after that small scuffle Leon has changed plan and used kings shield now skarmory's attack power has been lessened!

Leon: now use iron head!

(Aegislash once again unsheathes itself and goes on the attack)

Steven: aerial ace one more time!

(Skarmory observing Aegislash as it then flies in with aerial ace towards Aegislash)

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