Part 42

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(We start off with team rocket doing some work)

Jessie: enough already. The heavy loads and oppressive heat im sweating from my brow to my toes.

James: tell me again why must we do this.

Meowth: boss's orders, it's his way to the high way.

Jessie: but it's all for evil justice remember 

Worker: you there it's not break time!

(Team rocket initially panic)

(Meanwhile we see Goh has gone a pale ghostly white and in lots of discomfort)

Sonia: are you alright?

Goh: I... guess. Sonia's driving leaves little to be desired.

(Y/N): (lands with Dragonite and whispers) I told you not to stay in the car.

Sonia: Goh, (Y/N) look at this.

(Goh snaps out of it as they both turn to see this giant creature or an image of one engraved on a hillside)

Goh: wow that must be the Turfield geoglyph.

(Y/N): what Pokemon is that!

Sonia: it's said the legends of Galar are depicted here.

Goh: if I remember the Galar region was engulfed in a huge black vortex and giant sized Pokemon went on a rampage. It was then a young hero with a sword and shield and finally put an end to the rampaging. So wait does that mean you're investigating the connections between dynamaxing and the hero legend?

Sonia: right! It's a homework assignment from my gran. Now what do you see on that picture

Goh: hmm. A giant Pokemon is going on a rampage perhaps. Oh look that's a vortex (see the swirl nest to the giant Pokemon)

Sonia: yes it is. Don't you think that seems uncannily similar to what we're experiencing now?

(Y/N): okay but what's next?

Goh: now that you mention it...

Sonia: I'm thinking about the black vortex that brought such disaster so many years ago. I believe the darkest day is in the process of appearing here in the Galar region once again.

Goh: wow black vortex... darkest day.

Sonia: I thought that maybe coming here may lead me to some answers but...

(Y/N): Goh you don't think the dream I had is connected do you?

Goh: your dream? (Remembers him talking about it) oh yeah I remember now but I'm not sure, maybe. (Remembers something else) it's a lot like that time.

Sonia: huh?

Goh: you see, I had an encounter with Lugia recently 

Sonia: Lugia? That's impressive.

Goh: the clouds were spiralling and swirling then too. Maybe when a legendary Pokemon arrives it's with a spiral of some kind and so maybe in the darkest day a Pokemon with great power appeared.

(Y/N): oh yeah you're right!

Sonia: (gasps) that's brilliant. You may be onto something.

(Y/N): Goh I'm onto something too remember out very first plane ride to Galar!

Goh: oh yeah when we went to see Leon's battle there was a huge Pokemon hidden in the clouds. Is it possible that Pokemon was related to all this?

(Y/N): and come to think of it that Pokemon looks exactly like a Pokemon I've seen in that dream I had in the slumbering Weald place.

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