Part 96

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(We start off in Cerise laboratory where we see a bunch of flying and bug type Pokémon such as Goh's dustox, murkrow, Fletchling, beedrill, venemoth as well as (Y/N)'s swanna, ninjask and doublade as the gang come back from Unova)

Ash: hey!

Goh: we're back everyone!

(Y/N): and we've got new friends!

(We see Goh's Mankey, arctozolt, Kanto geodude, diglett, shedninja, passimian who is riding camerupt)

(We also see (Y/N)'s maractus, lillipup, clobbopuss, corvisquire, zigzagoon, dreepys and excadrill and sudowoodo, I should also mention off in the distance we see barreskewda training as it's using its teeth to try and learn a new move as it's been training with dracovish)

(We also see Goh's scizor arm wrestling hitmonchan or doing something, darmanitan, a dustox of Goh's and a parasect and hoothoot)

(They all huddle around the trio)

Goh: okay get ready to meet your new friends!

(Y/N): one of them is quite special too.

((Y/N) sends out his first new friend as we see it's a bouffalant and he throws the second Pokémon, which isn't a Pokémon from Unova but he found it in Unova, the second Pokémon revealed is chatot)

Chatot: greetings!

(Oh yeah, I should mention this one can talk fluent human language)

(Y/N): say hi to bouffalant who's quite excited to train with you (his Pokémon who like training so a lot of them minus a few such as zigzagoon or sudowoodo who will do it but it's not their favourite thing in the world)

Chatot: yeah training's not really for me. I do love a good sing though.

(Goh sends out his new Pokémon as we see it's a lilligant as it's radiating a sweet smell)

Goh: meet lilligant. Make it feel at home.

(Lilligant bows and twirls around as loads of the Pokémon are infatuated by the sweet scent lilligant is emitting as it's feeding time as Ash is in the tree with the bird Pokémon plus Noibat and they look happy)

(We see Goh is with all the water Pokémon as all his water Pokémon are there, plus (Y/N)'s finneon, feebas, corsola, bruxish, wartortle, wimpod, marshtomp, luvdisc, eiscue and both clamperl as we see (Y/N) and Ash are with the land Pokémon as Ash is sat on ferrothorn as we also see Goh's falinks, roggenrola, boldore, alolan geodude, cubone and beedrill and (Y/N) who is riding on his steelix, who evolved in off screen land I apologise for that as we also see his dwebble, toxicroak, phanpy, gliscor, tyranitar and  heatmor)

(We then cut to elsewhere as it's getting late as we see Goh's butterfree, kakuna, vibrava, flygon, golurk, Absol, paras and parasect as Goh's raichu brings food over as we see (Y/N)'s female durant acting like a big sister figure to Goh's durant)

(We also see Kangaskhan, the three tauros, bouffalant, maractus, gardevoir, hattrem, meowstic, doduo, Morgrem, appletun, clobbopuss and bisharp are together)

(Anyway we see raichu give berries to lilligant who accepts them as we see diglett, morelull, aerodactyl and gengar as lilligant releases a sweet scent and all the Pokémon there like it as twirls but in the process drops a berry as heracross picks it up as lilligant looks at heracross)

(Meanwhile we see a happy pinsir in the flower field picking flowers and making something for heracross as we see it's a little wreath and it looks beautiful as pinsir imagine sun her mind putting it on heracross and heracross liking which chases pinsir to blush as it rushes over to pinsir)

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