Part 141: Toying With Your Motions

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(we see mr rime ice-skating around the battlefield with this purple trail following it)

Ash: the ground is covered in ice and psychic terrain.

Leon: so tell me Ash, which Pokémon will you choose next.

Ash: sirfetch'd I choose you! (Sends out sirfetch'd as Pikachu cheers for sirfetch'd)

Leon: a fighting type?

(With Cynthia and Diantha)

Cynthia: against a psychic type like Mr rime, sirfetch'd is at a disadvantage.

(With (Y/N), Dawn and Chloe)

(Y/N): not a bad choice.

Dawn: huh?

Chloe: but sirfetch'd is weak against psychic types moves right?

(Y/N): yeah but with Mr rime while fighting types moves aren't super effective they're also aren't not very effective, making it neutral so sirfetch'd isn't at a huge disadvantage in that regard to what people would think and it has moves like brutal swing and fury cutter to deal super effective damage however whilst the psychic terrain being up can make this decision questionable but if I know Ash, his target isn't going to be only Mr rime.

(We see Eevee and piplup start cheering once again)

Dawn: go Ash, go sirfetch'd, get them now!

(We see Chloe is nervous as (Y/N) is confident and believes in Ash)

(Back to the battlefield)

Ash: alright sirfetch'd, there's something only you can do, got it? Now's the time. (Sirfetch'd is ready to battle) use fury cutter!

(Sirfetch'd uses fury cutter on its leek sword as Mr rime ice skates towards it as leek sword and cane clash)

Commentator: sirfetch'd attacks fiercely but Mr rime is too skilled with that cane.

(With team rocket)

Jessie: go go sirfetch'd go!

James: swing that leek like a saxophone!

Meowth: for gengar dig!

(We see hangry mode morpeko is still eating as we cut back to the action as sirfetch'd keeps attacking as Mr rime blocks with its cane as Mr rime goes to attack sirfetch'd blocks with its shield as sirfetch'd thrusts it's leek sword forward hitting Mr rime and hitting it back)

Commentator: it's a direct hit with fury cutter which is super effective against psychic types!

(We see mr rime plant it's cane into the ground to slow it down and stop it from skidding backwards)

Ash: brutal swing let's go!

(Sirfetch'd uses brutal swing as it spins around fast and heading towards Mr rime)

Leon: stop them in their tracks!

(We see mr rime has its cane planted in the ground as it uses its two hands and catches the leek sword of sirfetch'd while it was spinning and has stopped sirfetch'd)

Leon: expanding force!

(Mr rime uses expanding force as we see it's actual face which is on it's chest as expanding force is used point blank hitting sirfetch'd who tried to block with its shield but the attack cane from underneath and sirfetch'd is flung back and lands on its back and has lost hold of it's shield though it lands near the currently down duck)

Commentator: this time sirfetch'd was hit with a super effective attack. The combination of psychic terrain and expanding force is exceptionally powerful.

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