Part 138

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(We see Lucario has its teeth grit and growling as Ash is caught off guard by this)

Commentator: look it's dynamax Togekiss with it's wings spread out the way they are Togekiss appears to take up most of the battlefield! What a surprise whi could've guessed Cynthia would use dynamax!

(With team rocket)

Jessie: (shaking) that big smile puts the creep factor way up.

James: (shaking too) now Pikachu is out of the match who will take it down!

 Meowth: (shaking too) it'll take some twerp tricks to win this.

Wobbufett: wobbufett! (Scared too)

(With Hop and Goh)

Hop: I was sure Cynthia was gonna mega evolve her garchomp this time.

Goh: Ash, what's your next step gonna be.

(Cinderace continues to shout and cheer for Lucario)

(At the Pokémon centre with (Y/N))

(Y/N): no way! She kept that well hidden (laughs) that's so like Cynthia. Though it does make sense since garchomp has took loads more damage than Togekiss and even if it does get stronger from mega evolution it's still nearly down and it has no moves that are very effective against Lucario. Draco meteor, scale shot and dragon claw aren't very effective and stealth rock is useless at this point so now that I think about it this was the best call to make to wear down Lucario as much as possible that won't matter but even so... it's futile. (We see him grin as he looks at mega Lucario as Dragonite watches intently)

(Back on the battlefield with Ash as his initial shock has faded)

Ash: Lucario you're up! (raises up his hand with the mega glove on as Lucario is ready as he activates the keystone on his glove) our bond of friendship, mega evolve!  (The Lucarionite appears in front of Lucario as Lucario roars out and begins to mega evolve as we see the bond links of Lucario's and the ones coming from Ash's mega glove sync up perfectly as its forms changes as it becomes mega Lucario)

Commentator: so Ash has decided to face dynamax Togekiss with mega Lucario!

(Pikachu cheers for Lucario as we cut to Diantha and Leon)

Diantha: now we'll witness the bond between Ash and Lucario 

Leon: mega evolution vs dynamax, that's what the masters 8 tournament is about!

(Back to the battle)

Ash: Lucario use aura sphere!

(Mega Lucario begins to form an aura sphere)

Cynthia: Togekiss quick use max airstream!

(Dynamax Togekiss uses max airstream as it heads towards mega Lucario)

Ash: now charge in!

(Mega Lucario charges into the max airstream and runs inside of it getting closer to dynamax Togekiss)

(With Goh and Hop)

Hop: really?! It's gonna climb that?!

Goh: go for it Lucario!!!

(Cinderace shouts too)

(Back at Oak's lab)

Oak: there he goes, doing the impossible.

(Mega Lucario goes higher and higher as it begins to get slower and slower and pushed back it throws it and blown back out and lands on it's back but immediately flips back onto it's feet)

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