Part 152

539 12 4

(We continue where we left off)

Referee: Now contestants please send your first Pokémon to the field! 3...2...1... go!

(The two trainers get out their pokeballs)

Ash/Diantha: I choose you!/Shall we!

(They both throw their pokeballs as we see Diantha starts out with Aurorus as we see Ash sends out krookodile)

Commentator: we see Diantha has started off with her Aurorus while Ash starts with krookodile!

Referee: battle begin!

Ash: krookodile use stone edge!

(Krookodile fired stone edges towards aurous)

Diantha: use reflect!

(Aurous uses reflect as it appears and reduces the damage of stone edge but the force and strength of the stone edge does cause aurous to skid back a little bit)

Commentator: Diantha manages to get the reflect up in time to reduce the damage but the stone edge was so strong it cashed aurous to skid back!

Diantha: quick use blizzard!

(Krookodile digs underground as the blizzard blows over the battlefield as the hole in the ground from krookodile digging has frozen over as krookodile appears behind Aurorus as the reflect moves to behind aurous as krookdile's tail slams against Aurorus' reflect)

Ash: dragon claw!

(Krookodile attempts to use dragon claw as it rushes in and lunges at aurous who jumps back)

Diantha: blizzard one more time!

(Aurorus uses blizzard as krookodile is hit and sent flying back as it lands on it's back)

Commentator: and blizzard is a direct hit! Have we seen the first fall here ladies and gentlemen!

Ash: krookodile!

(Krookodile instantly jumps back to its feet though as it sorts its shades out and looks to Ash and gives a thumbs up as Ash calms down and nods)

Ash thoughts: we need to strike the second that reflect goes away but how do we get it to go away faster? (He grins externally) I got it!

Ash: how about dragon claw over and over!

(Krookodile uses over and over as the reflect is reducing the damage for Aurorus but seven so we see Ash is still grinning)

Ash: good job krookodile!

Commentator: reflect is reducing the continuous dragon claws yet Ash seems to be smiling what trick does he have up his sleeve now!

Diantha: use rock slide!

(Point blank aurous fired rocks slide point blank as krookodile is hit back by the first bunch as more head its way)

Commentator: and krookodile is knocked back!

Diantha: you know your moves are no good as long as reflect is up.

Ash: oh I know, that's why we're gonna smash right through it!

Diantha: huh?

Ash: krookodile let's use that rock slide!

(Krookodile recovers as it's shades glisten as krookodile then starts jumping from rock to rock as it gets high into the sky)

Commentator: look at krookdile go! Just seeing it you wouldn't think it'd have taken a big hit already!

Ash: stone edge!

(Krookodile uses stone edge as it swirls around krookodile)

Ash: now grab some!

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