Part 105

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(We start off with Ash who's asleep as Pikachu awakens and tries shaking Ash awake as we start off in the Galar region as it's the day after the battle between Ash and Marnie as they stayed in the Wyndon Pokémon center)

Ash: (waking up) morning Pikachu. (Sees the other two beds are empty) wait a minute, where's (Y/N) and Goh? (He sees a note as he picks it up and reads it as he sees it's from Goh)

"Ash, I tried to wake you but no success. I'm heading to the Motostoke riverbank. Come and find me when you wake up. (Y/N) said he'll stay behind and wait for you, he should be just outside the Pokémon center."

Ash: man, I promised Goh I'd get up early with him so then we could go and catch Pokémon together but I slept through it! Let's hurry and meet up with him. (Pikachu agrees)

(We see him get outside as he sees (Y/N))

(Y/N): hey there sleepyhead. 

Ash: hey!

(They're now rushing to get a train)

Ash: okay, let's take the train from Motostoke to Motostoke riverbank then we should catch up.

(They see two boys running)

Boy: we've got to move! Leon's battle has already started!

Boy 2: yeah, I know!

Ash: huh? Leon's having a battle. Wait a second! Hang on!

(Y/N): oh no.

(They see both Ash and (Y/N) and they get excited)

Boy: you beat Marnie yesterday!

Boy 2: we saw it all, it was so cool! You're really strong!

Boy 2: and you beat that Tobias guy!

Boy: yeah I liked your Wispeon I've never seen a Pokémon like it before

Boy 2: and that you have raikou as a Pokémon!

(Y/N): I appreciate your compliments to my Pokémon, they're really the bestest friends I could ask for.

Ash: yeah thanks a lot but tell me about Leon.

Boy: Leon should be there.

Boy 2: at Wyndon stadium.

Ash: no way I gotta get there! (Rushes off)

(Y/N): wait! (Rushes after him)

(The two boys watch as they speed away) 

Both boys: fast too.

(They are reaching Wyndon stadium)

Ash: please! Please! Don't let me be late!

(Y/N): wait up Ash! What about helping Goh! 

(Ash doesn't hear him as they reach a TV screen)

Announcer: it's an all out brawl! Something you'd expect from a master lass battle!

(We see Leon's charizard use flamethrower on an infernape, Flint's infernape)

Announcer: will it be possible for 7th ranked Flint to take out 1st ranked Leon on Leon's home field!

(We see infernape using Mach punch hitting charizard)

Ash: woah! Leon's facing one of the Sinnoh's elite 4, Flint!

(He remembers back to when he battled against Flint and got destroyed)

Ash: We gotta hurry!

(They rush to he stands as they see the battle)

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