part 13

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Ash: we're finally here!

Goh: the unova region!

Announcer: now the hottest location in Unova, the desert resort!

Ash: that's it! That's it!

Announcer: here a mysterious discovery has been made. A colossus ruins! Lots of Pokémon are showing up there.

Ash: I bet that colossus thing is a Pokémon!

Goh: I was thinking the same thing! Look out Unova region pokemon here I come!

(Y/N): well we know we're we are going so let's go!

(They reach the edge of it)

Goh: so how do we get there?

Ash: I thought you were working on that?

Goh: you mean you didn't come up with a plan

Ash: neither did you!

(Y/N): now now you two let's figure out away across.

(Pikachu steps on the sand and gets burned so immediately gets onto Ash's hat)

Ash: Pikachu!

Goh: this must be a very hot desert.

(Y/N): you can say that again.

(Scorbunny walks into it with no problem)

Goh: the heat doesn't bother scorbunny

Ash: scorbunny is a fire type.

(Suddenly scorbunny's feet get burned as it leaps into the air in pain and begins falling back down)

Goh: gotcha!

(Catches scorbunny)

Ash: so how do we cross it?

Lady: do not underestimate the desert resort. Good day young men.

Ash: ah a meditite!

Goh: instant to catch one of my own!

Lady: do you three have any Pokémon that can fly?

(Y/N): yeah me and Ash have got one.

Ash: come on out dragonite!

(Y/N): come on out my friend!

(They both send out Dragonite as (Y/N)'s looks happy whilst Ash's looks happy as she hugs the lady)

Lady: (getting hugged by dragonite and laughing) what is going on with this Pokémon? There, there. What do you say we all stay calm

(Ash's dragonite begins flying around and dancing about in the sky)

Lady: a real cutie pie

(Y/N): yeah Ash's dragonite is really friendly but can you help us out too buddy.

(Dragonite nods with confidence)

Lady: and I guess this is a tough guy huh.

(Y/N): I'd say so.

Goh: this is who I brought.

(Goh sends out beedrill)

Lady: a beedrill.

(Beedrill begins chasing ash, goh and (Y/N))

Lady: and I brought this one.

(She sends out braviary)

Goh: no way a braviary!

Lady: if you want to cross the desert resort

(Cut back to see the lady with a surf board and tether connected to her braviary)

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