Part 127

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(We see Ash and Goh arrive at this place in Kanto as they see the battle arena but they also see another big building near it as we see a rocket like car similar to the one we saw Brock had)

Ash: we're here!

Goh: so this is the battle arena but what is that place?

Ash: I'm not sure.

Greta: that's the battle park.

(They look to see this girl with blond hair and blue eyes)

Ash: Greta!

Greta: long time no see Ash. I'm guessing you'll be able to figure out who runs the battle park.

Ash: well (Y/N) did day to meet us here... wait he finally beat Brandon and became a frontier brain!

Greta: yeah and now he's known as gate keeper (Y/N), the newest frontier brain and he already has what he calls his interns, a girl called Camilla. Shall I take you to go see him?

Ash: yes please!

Greta: right then, let's go.

Goh: I can't wait to meet the son of the (L/N) family, I wonder if he'll be very business orientated since his parents own the Lilycove department store.

(They head inside of the battle park as they see this big park area as we see (Y/N) spending time with some Pokémon as he looks and sees Greta, Ash and Goh)

(Y/N): hey!!! Long time no see Ash! (He rushes over as he then hugs and lifts Greta up into his arms and spins Greta around and then turns to Ash) so did you bring the Pokémon you're bringing to the masters 8 tournament?

Ash: yeah.

(Y/N): fantastic! However before we get down to business (turns around and shouts) hey guys come look it's Ash!

(We see a Blaziken, primape and a charizard jump/fly down from a giant mountain like area as from a cave we see a Sableye and carbink, from the water emerges a relicanth and a wailord, from the skies we see a magnezone, flygon and a Pelipper, from a more snowy area we see an Aurorus the forest like area we see a shiny beedrill, mightyena, breloom, girafarig, slaking, an alolan raichu and a roserade as they all come over and crowd around them)

Ash: woah look at all the Pokémon!

Goh: it's so cool!

Ash: hey guys long time no see!

(We see he's talking about Blaziken, mightyena, breloom, Pelipper, beedrill, Sableye, relicanth, wailord, girafarig, flygon, slaking, charizard and he looks at roserade) 

Ash: and I see you've evolved from roselia (roserade nods) and I see you've caught even more Pokémon! (We see he's looking at alolan raichu, primape, Aurorus, carbink and magnezone)

(Y/N): yeah ever since we parted ways I've been training and when I have some time to kill I do small travels and business stuff in other regions and this is where these guys ended up joining my squad.

Ash: (looks to see wailord splashing in excitement looking at him) you seem really excited.

(Y/N): yeah since I told him you were coming it's been really excited to show you how much stronger it's gotten, isn't that right wailord?

(Wailord in happiness opens it's mouth and eats (Y/N) and then begins swimming back and forth at insanely fast speeds as we see (Y/N) inside wailord's mouth)

(Y/N): (dizzy as he has swirly eyes and stars above his head) uhh wailord can you let me out.

(Suddenly (Y/N) shoots out the top and lands in the front and manages to land on his feet as he's blown out the blowhole of wailord)

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