Part 85

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(A/N): I started writing a few days ago where I discovered writing  actually helps me cope a lot and I've put together an original part by me. Also, has anyone seen that Japanese Pokémon opening? I think it's called Spurt, that's how I picture (Y/N) and all his Pokémon in Cerise Park.

(We start off in Cerise laboratory as our heroes are leaving)

Chloe: good luck!

(Y/N): I will.

Ash: you sure about this?

(Y/N): yeah.

Ash: she's really scary.

(Y/N): really? 

Goh: who is it?

(Y/N): you'll see soon, your first hint is that we're heading to Saffron city.

(Timeskip: to Saffron city)

(Y/N): here it is, the Saffron city gym.

Ash: y-yeah.

Goh: wait who's the gym leader here?

(The doors ominously open on their own but no one was there)

Goh: the doors opened?


Rose: (monotone) "I was testing you. She said you were a good kid. I work under Sabrina. She's been wanting and waiting to battle you again since she said she was very impressed with you when you battled her along time ago and waiting for a rematch ever since. She tells me the time is soon."

(Y/N): (grins) she knows.

(They enter as they go inside the gym as they walk along a corridor until they reach towards the end where there is a bunch of creepy people with their heads down and eyes covered and holding a dimly lit torch as we look closely at the last one on the end and we see it's Rose. They reach the end of the corridor and reach a room with a battlefield as the lights turn on one by one until on the opposite side of them stands none other than the Saffron city gym leader herself, Sabrina as she looks at the three before she focuses on (Y/N))

Sabrina: so you've come at last. I was getting bored waiting for you.

(Y/Nj): well I'm here, let's battle. (Grins)

Sabrina: (cold look) I foresee me going to enjoy a battle between us once again, let's begin.

(A notification pops up on (Y/N)'s phone as it shows Sabrina who's rank is 251 as he accepts the challenge and they have a stare off as Sabrina has a cold look and (Y/N) has a grin on his face as a rotom drone arrives and Ash and Goh watch from the side)

Rotom drone: you have been approved for a Pokémon world coronation series great class battle. Our 2 competitors it's (Y/N) vs Sabrina! For today's battle each trainer will be using 3 Pokémon. Will both challengers please send out their first Pokémon, thank you! 3... 2... 1.... Go!

Sabrina: go. (Sends out mr mime)

(Y/N): bisharp, I choose you! (Sends out bisharp)

Goh: so it's mr mime and bisharp.

(Sabrina just watches (Y/N))

(Y/N): since you won't make the first move I will, bisharp use iron head!

(Bisharp charges in with iron head)

Sabrina reflect.

(Mr mime uses reflect and blocks the damage of iron head)

(Y/N): again!

Sabrina: reflect.

(The same thing happens as bisharp ends up trapped in the reflects)

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