Part 36

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(We see riolu, Ash and Pikachu running as training with Goh with raboot and (Y/N) and Ivysaur behind him)

Goh: hey!

(Goh and (Y/N) catch up to him as Ash stops running to wait for them before they continue running again)

Goh: what's up Ash why're you jogging all of a sudden?

Ash: since I lost some ground in the rankings I need to win my next battle. You want to make up for the last one, right riolu.

(Riolu nods)

Ash: so I figured we need to be in tiptop shape.

(Y/N): I understand that but why can't you use your other Pokemon like gengar and farfetch'd I mean if riolu wants to make up for its last battle wouldn't them two aswell?

Ash: I will after riolu wins this next battle for us.

Goh: wait so that's what this is all about. I'm right with you every step of the way!

Ash: thanks a lot.

(Y/N): you know what I'm with you two too.

Ash/Goh: right.

Ash/Goh/(Y/N): 1,2. 1,2. 1.2, 1.2.

Rotom phone a battle challenge has been issued.

Ash: here's a challenge already.

(Sees the trainer and rotom drone)

Rotom drone: for this battle each of you are only allowed to use one Pokemon. Will both challengers please bring out your Pokemon, thank you. 3... 2... 1 go!

Ash: riolu I choose you!

(Riolu jumps onto the battlefield)

Trainer: go octillery!

(Sends out octillery)

Goh: alright Ash do it!

(Y/N): you've got this!

Ash: an octillery, reminds me of Grapploct. (Flashes back to his battle with Bea) it's perfect. Riolu keep your distance as much as you can!

(Riolu looks surprised but steps back anyway)


(Y/N) thoughts: what the hell does he think he's doing! Riolu is best up close!

Rotom drone: battle begin!

Ash: use vacuum wave a bunch!

(Riolu fires multiple vacuum waves as octillery dodges them all)

Trainer: octillery psybeam let's go!

(Octillery uses psybeam and it hits riolu who is confused in the process)

Trainer: octillery use wrap!

(Octillery leaps as riolu recovers from confusion but it's too late as it caught in wrap)

Ash: riolu get out if there!

(Riolu is struggling)

Trainer: octozooka!

(Point blank range octillery fires an octozooka hitting riolu and causing it to be unable to battle)

Rotom drone: riolu is unable to battle, the winner is octillery.

Ash: (rushing over) riolu!

(We see Ash's ranking drop again to 975 as Ash is more gloomy)

Rotom phone: a battle challenge has been issued.

Ash: (brightens up) I'll get my ranking back and then some!

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