Part 68

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Goh: finally! Yes!

Ash: finally what?

Goh: I just got an email from project mew.

(Y/N): (talking to himself) DAMMIT!!! I still can't find pawniard and there's been no reports! I've searched all of Kanto and some of Johto! (Sees them) oh hey. You seem happy, what's the deal?

Ash: he got an email from project mew.

(Y/N): cool. 

Ren: hey what's that about?

Chrysa: didn't you know? You see, Goh applied to become a member of a team that's doing some serious research about mew.

Ren: oh!

Cerise: he got a glowing recommendation from professor Oak so then the next step is to take the test to become a member.

Chrysa: so what does the email say? Did they give you a trial mission?

Goh: all they say is to go to their research facility at the foot of mount coronet in Sinnoh.

Chrysa: huh?

Ren: since when was there a research facility there?

Ash: we'll know soon enough.

Goh: yeah. You're coming too Ash?

Ash: of course I am. I promised I'd cheer you on, didn't I.

Goh: oh, thanks. Are you coming too (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I'd like to keep searching for pawniard.

Goh: That's okay, I understand.

(Y/N): but I made a promise to support you and there no way I'm gonna break that. Besides Chloe has been helping me cope and manage and she's right about pawniard being okay and that it won't be okay if I keep being sad all the time. So I'm coming with you.

Goh: thank you so much! I know how much pawniard and your Pokémon mean to you. Well, what are we waiting for

Ash/Goh/(Y/N): let's go!

(At mount coronet)

Ash: are you sure this is right?

Goh: the map says we're on target but it doesn't look much like a research lab.

(Y/N): at least it's not invisible like an invisible building or ship because we all know an invisibility cloaked ship or building is bad 80-90% of the time.

Ash: hey it's Gary.

(We see Gary talking to the blue haired girl that we saw on his phone as Gary walks away)

Gary: well, well I wondered who'd show up. It's Ash, (Y/N) and uhhh...

Goh: it's Goh.

Gary: (chuckles) I hear you're gonna take the test 

Goh: and that's why I'm here.

Gary: hey even a total loser can take the test. All you need is the professor's recommendation, right. (Goh is not happy about that statement) but this is where the rubber meets the road.

Goh: and what does that mean.

Gary: this won't be a cake walk, project mew is serious business, so just give it your best shot (walks past them)

Goh: (irritated) THAT GUY GETS ON MY NERVES!

Ash: (laughs) that's so Gary.

Ash/Goh: hello?

(Y/N): anyone there?

(The door opens as a mime jr pops out as it runs away into the ship and comes back)

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