part 19

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(Alarm goes off)

Goh: (tired) Ash it's morning, wake up.

Ash: (tired) okay mom.

(Y/N): still? Geez I even brought one of my old Pokémon for today.

Chloe: Gosh will you and Ash wake up! Did you forget what day this is.

(A/N): I did it and all it took was to watch some Chloe based episodes for a couple of hours.

(time skip)

Cerise: good morning and thanks you for coming to pokemon orienteering. I'm professor Cerise and this is my lab.

Chrysa: I'm Chrysa his assistant.

Ren: me too. I'm running.

Cerise: and now I'd like for you to meet your guides for today. Three very special young men.

((Y/N) is standing proud as the other two are brass about eating something until (Y/N) nudges giving off an intimidating aura that was scary and cold at the same time causing them to sort themselves out)

Ash: hi my name's Ash.

Goh: and my name is Goh

(Y/N): and I'm (Y/N)

Ash/Goh/(Y/N): nice to meet you.

Parker: hey gosh!

Gosh: Oh Parker!

Chloe: calm down please.

Cerise: now everyone what are we investigating today?

Kids: Pokemon!

Cerise: Pokémon are fascinating and wonderful creatures. Not to mention all inspiring and mysterious. Even here in Vermillion City you'll find all kinds of pokemon in all kinds of places. My goal is for you to learn lots more about Pokémon and to develop a real fondness for them too. It's with this hope in mind that I set up this Pokémon orienteering session.

Chrysa: I believe you've already divided yourself into 4 teams correct?

Ren: please look at this. Next you'll split up by team and meet up by vermillion port. To keep track on each team we'll be keeping track of the Pokémon you've observed along the way.

Chrysa: so make sure you spot as many Pokémon as you can play.

Kids: right!

Ash: yeah sounds great.

Goh: on to pokemon orientation!

(Y/N): this is going to be fun I may be able to add a few more to the family today. So what do you say!

Ash/(Y/N) and Goh: let's go!

(Change to outside)

Cerise: here's where we split up into three routes.

(Y/N): so Goh has raboot, Ash and Pikachu and my partner for today is this one!

(Sends out porygon)

(Sends out porygon)

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