Part 62

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Ash: a letter for me?

Goh: it says it's from Unova.

Ash: from Unova?

(We see sirfetch'd swipe with his leek sword freaking Ash out as the top of the envelope falls off with it being cut cleanly )

Ash: awesome thanks Sirfetch'd.

(Sirfetch'd opens it's eyes and has a gleam in them)

Ash: (opens the letter) wow it's from Iris buddy!

(Y/N): (widens his eyes) did you say Iris!

Goh: so you know her?

(Y/N): no but I wanted to meet her since my mentor Clair talked about her.

Ash: she's a friend from when I travelled in Unova, she's on a journey to become a dragon master. It says she wants an official battle from me. She recently entered the world coronation series and is already in the great class

Goh: that's great one on one against an old pal.

Ash: uh huh. Sounds fun, huh Pikachu.

(Y/N): I know who I'm going to bring today.

(Timeskip: Opelucid city, Unova region)

Goh: go pokeball! (He catches a panpour and pansear)

Rotom phone: pansear and panpour have been registered to your Pokédex.

Goh: next time I want pansage. (Grookey makes noise and points as it sees something in the trees)

Goh: look! Alright then pokeball let's go!

(He throws it as it hits the thing only for a feminine voice to say ow and fall out of the tree as we see it's a girl with purple hair)

Girl: that hurt!

Goh: a human!

Girl: ow, who's there?

Goh: please forgive me, I was sure you were a Pokemon.

Girl: weeeellll I guess no one would expect a human to be up there. (Realises something) I overslept! (Swings away) thanks for waking me up!

Goh: is she a Pokémon?

(We see Ash and (Y/N) at a building as we see Pikachu and Pawniard are with them)

Ash: we haven't seen the opelucid gym in forever. Hm? Axew?

(Sees an axew walking about)

Ash: (looks around frantically) maybe it's Iris' axew!

Drayden: oh. Welcome young Ash.

Ash/(Y/N): Drayden!

Drayden: it's a pleasure to see you too young (Y/N).

Ash: is that Iris' axew?

Drayden: no, this little one happen to be my partner. Iris should be waiting for you inside.

(Y/N): is this the same Iris who Clair talked about? She said she had a battle with her and a Dragonite against her cool looking druddigon.

(Drayden nods)

Ash: thanks so much for lending us your gym.

Goh: Ash! (Y/N)!

(Drayden is both a gym leader and president of the opelucid academy also, like Clair is a mentor, except where Clair was a mentor to (Y/N), he is Iris' mentor)

(Ash's phone rings)

Rotom phone: official battle requested.

Ash: oh this must be it!

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