Part 51

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Ash: woah check out all the veggies!

Ren: they look tasty right, they're straight from the farm. So they still need to be washed.

Goh: wow.

They're for professor Cerise, sent with a letter from Laxton, a former student who has been farming for the last 2 years.

Cerise: Laxton writes that there's a group of diglett and dugtrio that have suddenly appeared on his farm and they're causing big problems.

Rotom dex: diglett, the mole Pokémon, a ground type. Diglett gnaws on roots below ground. Depending on the kind of vegetables it can cause great damage to a harvest.

Rotom dex: dugtrio, the mole Pokémon, a ground type and the evolved form of diglett. These three make an excellent team.

(Ash, Goh and (Y/N) grin and giggle to each other)

Ash: we'd love to go investigate them.

Goh: I'd love to catch a diglett and a dugtrio.

Cerise: that's what I hoped you'd say.

(We see yamper get excited as Chloe enters)

Goh: huh? Chloe?

Chloe: good morning 

Cerise: I think Chloe will be a big help with your research on this trip. (To Chloe) be sure to give Laxton my best.

Chloe: of course, it'll be so nice to see him again. We should get going.

Cerise: I want a full report. You should also have a little fun.

Ash/Goh/Chloe: we will!

(Y/N): you can count on us.

(They set out through Kanto as they arrive at a big field)

Ash/Goh: what a view!

Chloe: look at this Eevee it's beautiful. (Sends out Eevee) 

(Ash and Goh rush off)

Chloe: is there a reason we have to run!

(Y/N): nah dint worry about it, let's just walk. (His Eevee on his shoulder agrees)

Ash: with so much space you've gotta run!

Goh: that's for sure!

(Y/N): you don't have to run if you don't want to.

Chloe: oh well, whatever.

(They both begin walking)

(We cut to all of them arriving on the farm)

Goh: this is it!

Ash: awesome.

(Eevee rushes over and nudges a pokeball which turns out to be a voltorb that zaps eevee)

Chloe: Eevee are you alright!

Ash: wow it's a voltorb

Rotom dex: voltorb, the ball Pokémon, an electric type. Voltorb appears in places where electricity is generated and it resembles a pokeball.

Goh: yes. Then I'll catch it then.

Man: hold it! (Jumps in front) I'm so sorry, this is my partner. Voltorb helps me out with farm work.

Chloe: huh, you're Laxton!

Laxton: nice to see you Chloe. Thanks for coming all this way.

Chloe: it's been a long time.

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