Part 29

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(We start off with a pidove flying through the trees as we see Chloe getting frustrated and about to leave her room as she hears a crash at the window)

Chloe: hmm?

(She still leaves)

(Downstairs we see Parker playing video games, Cerise and Talia are at the table)

Parker: gotcha! Yes!

(Chloe enters the room)

Chloe: this is your drawing isn't it (holds paper up in her mother's face with a picture of chibi Koharu with a bed head next to a yamper)

Talia: it sure is. You know your mother.

Chloe: it's not supposed to be me is it!

Talia: uh well.

Chloe: what kind of mother draws their daughter with wild hair knowing her daughter hates that!!

Talia: it's just a character I came up. She's from... my imagination and looks nothing like you.

Parker: let me see (takes picture from Chloe) it's Chloe.

Chloe: see!

Talia: Parker, don't tease your sister.

(Yammer is barking outside)

Talia: Y-Yamper I'm coming. Is everything alright.

(Opens the door and looks out and is surprised as yamper is carrying a fainted pidove in it's mouth dragging it up the steps to the house with the fainted pidove hitting it's head on each step yamper drags it up)

Talia: what, what happened. What's in your mouth.

Chloe: It doesn't look good at all.

Cerise: bring it here yamper.

(Yamper drags pidove into Cerise's hand)

Cerise: good yamper 

Talia: that's a pidove.

Chloe: the poor thing.

Parker: are you okay?

(Cerise checks pidove over)

Cerise: don't worry it's just stunned that's all.

(They sigh in relief)

Chloe: come to think of it something hit my window earlier, it must have been this pidove!

(Pidove wakes up and sees them before yamper bursts into it's vision from out of know where causing pidove to freak out who tries to fly away but it can't and falls to the ground)

Talia: it's been hurt. I'm thinking we should take care of it until it can fly on it's own.

Parker: can I hold it?

Talia: before that we need a little first aid.

(Yamper just rubs it's face with it's paws before it lays down and it's tail goes down indicating yamper is sad)

(In the Cerise park Ash is training riolu with Pikachu as riolu fires a vacuum wave and pikachu dodges as pikachu goes to use iron tail)

Ash: block it with force palm!

(Force palm and iron tail clash as there is a small shockwave from the collision and both Pokemon leap back)

Goh: Ash! Have you seen sobble?

Ash: no I haven't.

((Y/N) comes onto the scene with rookidee on his shoulder)

(Y/N): sorry Goh. Me and rookidee couldn't find sobble

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