Part 101

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(We start off at an island as we see a dark mysterious figure with glowing purple eyes and we see this island the gang arrive on the island, this is slowpoke island)

Ash: it's been a whole hasn't it.

Goh: this time I'm going to make sure I definitely catch a slowpoke

(Y/N): (traumatised) you mean this whole Ashking and Gohking fiasco was real (starts to break down crying they proceed forwards as they see a whole bunch of Slowpoke)

Ash/Goh: there they are! So many slowpoke!

(Y/N): hopefully slowking is far behind.

(We see the slowpoke chilling, putting their tails in the water hoping for a shelder to bite on as well as forming a circle and laying down by grabbing each other's tail as Pikachu and grookey lay down next to one)

(A/N): okay they're trying to make me feel like I'm on drugs or something with this slowpoke reggae song.

Ash: let's try it too!

(Y/N): I think I'll remain standing for my own personal safety.

(Goh and (Y/N) are less than keen at the idea as Ash rushes over and lies down as Goh joins him as (Y/N) is still cautious and remains standing)

Ash: this is great.

Goh: right... just great (Goh seems relaxed as do the rest before gets back and realises what they're here for) no,no,no! We didn't come here to take a nap! Now pokeball go!

(He throws a pokeball which hits a slowpoke and it shakes 3 times and pings signalling he's caught it)

Rotom phone: slowpoke has been registered to your Pokédex.

Goh: alright I caught a slowpoke!

(There's a loud noise as there's a small Island as a bunch of slowpoke get off it but they look different)

Ash: what do you think that was all about?

Goh: I don't know 

(Y/N): maybe it'll give me a good reason for coming back here.

(We see a slowpoke yawn as does Ash)

Ash: when you look at all of them details don't matter anymore

(Y/N): oh no, they're using yawn!

(Ash falls on the ground relaxed and sleeping)

Goh: hey! Wake up! Ash!

(The other slowpoke approach as Ash gets up and they look to see the other slowpoke)

Ash: woah those slowpoke have yellow foreheads!

Goh: you're right!

(Y/N): I really want one! It must be a region variant of slowpoke!

Rotom phone: slowpoke, galarian form, the dopey Pokémon, a psychic type. This form of slowpoke live in the Galar region their facial expressions are normally spacey but sometimes they can appear focused.

Goh: so they're galarian slowpoke.

Ash: they went here on out last visit

(Y/N): they must have come a long way, Galar is ages away from here (sees one that catches his eye as his eyes light up) I want that one!

(He points as they look to see dust heading towards but as they have a closer look they see it's a slowpoke running fast as it heads straight towards them)

(Y/N): ninjask I choose you! (Sends out ninjask) keep up with that Slowpoke!

(Ninjask flies after it and after a bit of speeding up ninjask is finally able to catch up and cut off slowpoke)

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