part 8

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Cerise park

(We see goh's Pokémon and (Y/N)'s Pokémon moving about in the area as we see scyther slashing, kakauna in a tree, bug Pokémon walking about, mantyke and tentacool and arrokuda swimming about near wurmple who's on a ledge and taillow along with rookidee who's on the bridge as we see more bug types like butterfree flying and (Y/N)'s and goh's venemoth flying about as we see ash, (Y/N) and you by the entrance along with Pikachu,dragonite,ivysaur and Nickit,larvitar and scorbunny

((A/N): incase you didn't know/I forgot to mention dragonite, ivysaur and Nickit are on party at all times while the other three slots will be in rotation between old or new Pokémon (Y/N) has caught. Any new Pokémon he catches will live in Cerise park while Pokémon previously caught before meeting ash and goh will eventually go back to oak's lab and potentially get swapped out, will they return and be called upon again? We'll see what I have planned)

Goh: woah! This is incredible news!!

Ash: what is?

Goh:it's said ho-oh has said to have been recently sighted!

(Y/N): really! That is news alright!

(Cut to Cerise laboratory main room)

Cerise: so, someone has actually so ho-oh?

Goh: yeah it's all over the internet

(Displays it in screen)

Cerise: there is quite a close connection between ho-oh and the ancient legends of johto, exciting

Goh: right! And hardly anyone ever gets the chance to see it for themselves

Cerise: yes and records of it are few and far between, a legendary Pokémon that's shrouded in mystery

Goh: now that legend finally appears in reality

(We see chrysa and ten working on laptops doing research)

Cerise: the eye witnesses account is in the vaccinity of ecruteak city in the johto region

(Y/N): isn't that where the massive tower is, bell tower if I'm not mistaken and that they use for ho-oh or something?

Cerise: correct, yes it is

Ash: maybe if we go there, we'll see ho-oh first hand. You know someday I've always hoped ho-oh and I can have a battle

Chrysa, ren,(Y/N): huuuh!

Goh: I want to catch it!

Chrysa, ren: huuuuh! (Even more shocked)

(Y/N):Well bring it, you'll have to battle and catch it before me (grins)

(Y/N) thoughts: it wouldn't hurt too much to add another legendary Pokémon to my total captures of pokemon

Chrysa: do you three realise what you're even saying

Cerise: you know, I truly admire the three of you. No matter the Pokémon you always want to be involved whether it be befriending, battling or catching.

Ash: goh, (Y/N) let's leave for ecruteak city right now!

(Y/N): got it!

the three of them: lets go!

(Cut to ecruteak city)

Ash: check it out!

Goh: ecruteak city! Now we can go find ho-oh

(Ash begins to look about)

(Y/N): no need for that ash, remember sightings have been seen from the area by bell tower

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