Part 34

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(Timeskip: saffron city)

(We see riolu fighting a hitmonchan and hitmonlee)

Karate guy: hm... good movements.

Ash: I know right it feels like we're on a roll and we're gonna win everything.

Karate guy: remember you're in a fighting dojo I wouldn't talk to big. There isn't a strategy in the world that could beat our karate master.

Ash: can I battle the karate master?

Karate guy: he's battling right now. In fact he's just accepted a new challenger.

(Ash groans)

Karate guy: but there battle should be over soon. The karate master is unbeatable.

(We see rows of hitmonchan throwing punches into the air and hitmonlee practicing their kicks as Goh and (Y/N) watch on the side)

(Y/N): it sucks that I have no fighting types on my current roster of Pokemon.

Goh: how are you going to take part in battles?

(Y/N): well since we're at the fighting type dojo I felt compelled to bring a fighting type so I've brought...

(Ash rushes over)

Ash: hey Goh, (Y/N)! Let's go watch the battle.

(Y/N): yo!

Karate guy:(to Goh) you still can't decide?

(Goh inspects his Pokédex)

Ash: hey Goh!

Goh: oh hey Ash.

Ash: still can't decide between hitmonlee or hitmonchan right.

Goh: hmm do I go for hitmonchan with it's razor sharp punches or hitmonlee with it's incredibly powerful kicks. Do I have to decide on only one?

Karate guy: yeah that's the rule Goh. The fighting dojo can give you either hitmonlee or hitmonchan but we can't give you both. You must choose one.

Goh: what would you go for (Y/N)?

(Y/N): personally I wouldn't go for either but if I had to choose I wouldn't be sure myself. So I'm not taking part in it.

Goh: well that was a waste of time. (Thinks of an idea) I know Ash how about we each choose one and afterwards you can trade me yours for one of my other Pokemon.

Ash: huh!

Ash's rotom phone: there is a Pokemon world coronation series trainer nearby.

Karate guy: that would have to be the challenger battling the master.

Ash: I want to see.

(Ash rushes over to the dojo door)

Ash: here we go. I challenge!-

(He is interrupted as a hitmonchan is sent crashing through the door and hits Ash knocking him over)

Goh: Ash are you alright! A hitmonchan?

(The now opened door we see a girl and a new Pokemon as the karate master is in defeat as sobble begins sweat and is scared and disappears)

Karate master: I guess that settles it.

???: alright referee. Result.

Karate referee: right! The win goes to Grapploct! Which means the victor is Bea. (as we see hitmonchan is unable to battle)

Ash: (gets up) are you alright hitmonchan?

(The karate master rushes over and kneels down to his Pokemon) hitmonchan you battled very well now return (returns hitmonchan into it's pokeball)

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