Part 64

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(A/N): this episode is a filler but I'm going to use this as a way to develop further the pawniard storyline. You may think "why?". To be honest, I think this is a good filler episode to use to help develop the pawniard storyline and there is a little tiny development on the Chloe/(Y/N) plot thread. Additionally,  I can delve into (Y/N)'s past a little, not much but a little.

(We start off with Ash, Goh and (Y/N) on a mission)

Ash: get back here!

Goh: (Y/N)!

(We see them chasing after (Y/N) who is running around looking in every nook and cranny)

(Y/N): pawniard!

(He goes to look again but Ash and Goh grab and pin him against a wall)

Ash: you need to stop this now!

(Y/N): (glares) get off me!

Ash: you're lucky Goh managed to do all the things we needed to do on the expedition!

Goh: yeah Ash had to chase after and Lee an eye on you the whole time! We can't keep doing this it just makes things harder!

(Y/N): (glares) GET OFF ME! 

(He goes to punch Goh and grab Ash by the throat but a pokeball opens up and out comes Dragonite who stops his fists and then proceeds to hold him in place for them)

(We cut back to see Goh and Ash walking as (Y/N) is walking a bit behind as he has his head down to the ground as his phone notifies him of a world coronation series battle as we see a trainer who is ranked 100th where he looks at it but he thinks of pawniard as he declines it)

(Timeskip: back at Cerise laboratory we see him sat at a chair as Ash, Goh, Chloe, Chrysa and Ren with Cerise in the middle of them)

Cerise: (Y/N) I know you want to see pawniard and find it and I know you're grieving... but don't forget you are a research fellow and If this keeps happening... then you can't be a research fellow anymore. I'm sorry to say it but I'm disappointed in you.

(Y/N)'s head hung even lower as we see a tear drop from his eye)

Cerise: However, we're not gonna give up on you.

Ash: yeah

Goh: he's right.

Chloe: I won't either.

Cerise: so if you want to prove yourself once again then can you fulfil your mission of not letting your worry for pawniard sabotage any research tasks or expeditions you may go on until we can track down and find pawniard, please?

((Y/N) weakly nods his head as he gets up and walks away as they look at him and look at sad)

(However we focus in on three people as Ash and Goh look sad at first but then turned to determined to help their friend)

Ash: let's go!

Goh: you got it.

(They rush out)

Ash: looking for pawniard...

Goh: let's go!

(We then focus on Chloe's face as she looks at (Y/N) concerned before she looks at her hand as she remembers all the moments she and (Y/N) have had and what he's helped her with and taught her as we see her blushing before getting a determined face)

Chloe POV

Chloe thoughts: I wanna help him... no. I have to help him.

(Timeskip: getting late as Ash and Goh arrive back)

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