Part 137

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(We see Ash has picked up Pikachu and brought Pikachu back over to his side of the battlefield as he puts Pikachu down as he's kneeled down and rubs pikachu's head)

Ash: buddy, you did a great job out there, relax and watch. (Ash stands back up and gets ready to battle as Pikachu seems worried or concerned as we see Ash readjust his hat so it's straight and he takes a deep breath in and out)

(With Goh and Hop)

Goh: Ash has just 3 Pokémon and Cynthia still has 4.

Hop: a 1 Pokémon advantage is big, Cynthia is way too tough

(We see team rocket racing to the front)

Jessie: hey twerp what's up! Where did that 1st round fighting spirit run off to!

Meowth: you're leaving us in the loser's lurch (we see hangry morpeko is still eating)


Diantha: neither of them have used dynamax or mega evolution 

Leon: they're not ready yet, it's exactly when to use them that'll be the key to victory here.

Commentator: both Cynthia and Ash hope to control the tide of battle through the use of their next Pokémon!

(We cut to the lab of Ash's old Pokémon and Oak and Delia and Tracy as the Pokémon are getting pumped up as we cut back to the battle)

Ash: dracovish now I choose you! (Sends out dracovish)

Cynthia: now Garchomp fly up, let's go! (Sends out garchomp)

Commentator: this time both have brought out dragon type Pokémon!

(We cut to the Pokémon centre with (Y/N) as Dragonite's eyes shoot open and look at the screen)

(Y/N): (notices) hey buddy, you're up! Let's root for Ash together. (Dragonite nods)

Ash: garchomp. Is it time for mega evolution?

(We see Cynthia who is smiling as the wind blows around her as her hair is covering her face and not revealing anything as she has this mysterious aura about her)

Ash: we'll hit it head on. Use ice fang!

(Dracovish charges in with ice fang ready)

Cynthia: no draw it in and use dragon claw!

(Garchomp allows dracovish to get closer as it dodges the ice fang and hits dracovish with a dragon claw as dracovish is sent spinning out of control away from garchomp and is feeling tje damage)

(With Goh and Hop)

Goh: so fast!

Hop: dragon type moves are super effective.

(Back to the battle)

Cynthia: now use stealth rock!

(Garchomp uses stealth rock as rocks float above the battlefield and disappear as dracovish is still hurting from that dragon claw)

Commentator: pointed stones have fallen all over the field!

Cynthia: Garchomp return. (Returns Garchomp surprising Ash) roserade let's go! (Sends roserade back out)

Commentator: and Cynthia switched out again!

(We see dracovish look back and sees Garchomp is no longer there and roserade is in Garchomp's place as it looks confused since kr didn't actually see Garchomp get switched out)

Ash: roserade's not burned now?

(Back to Hop and Goh)

Hop: that's so weird (flash back to gengar's will-o-wisp or well a few of them hitting roserade and burning it) it was just hit by gengar's will-o-wisp.

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