Part 28

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Ash: it's curry. A special to the Galar region. We've got boiled egg curry and gigantamax curry!

Goh: plenty of potato curry, tropical curry and leek curry too!

(Y/N): and don't forget the herb medley curry or the apple curry!

Ash/Goh: so let's eat!

(Y/N): Bon appetit!

(They all dig in, the trainers and Pokémon)

Ash: this is the best I've ever tasted!

Goh: with just the right heat, texture too.

(Meanwhile an unsuspecting visitor comes along and hope on the table looking at the food as it watches riolu pick it up and gulp it all down as it begins sweating and turns invisible before going over to the two farfetch'd and taking a piece of their food as the farfetch'd see some food is missing as they go to fight over it)

Goh: hey what's the matter?

Ash: continuing yesterday's battle.

(Suddenly Pikachu and riolu's food disappears as does raboot's and finally the food on Ash's fork disappears which they notice)

Ash: Hey if you want to battle do it after we're done eating (bites the form with no food on)

Goh: uh-

(Sees a piece of food float before disappearing as Goh states close!Y and intensely as the pokémon appears and they both freak out as the pokémon backs into a corner with tears in it's eyes)

Goh: where'd that pokemon come from?

Ash: uh I've never seen that one before.

(Y/N): me neither but it's adorable!

(It begins crying)

Goh: huh? Crying? Maybe it just recently hatched.

(Suddenly Ash begins crying)

Goh: what's wrong Ash, what's with the tears.

Ash: I just can't seem to stop crying. See the same as you.

Goh: (now crying) I know but what for.

(Y/N): (crying) it got me too.

(All the Pokémon begin crying aswell)

(Suddenly it disappears)

Ash: it's gone, guess it ran away.

Goh: we've got to find it!

Ash: right!

(Y/N): dragonite, ivysaur return.

(He returns both of them)

(At a fountain)

Goh: where is it!

Ash: hey Goh, do you really want to catch that pokemon?

Goh: sure do. It knows how to disappear just like mew. It's so cool I've just got to catch it

(Y/N): well as long as we can see it again I'm not bothered who gets it.

Nurse joy: oh it's you again.

Goh: nurse joy!

Ash: and they're?

Rotom dex: indeedee, the emotion Pokémon, a physic/normal type. Indeedee are highly intelligent sensing emotions through the horns in their head. Male indeedee are loyal to their trainers and female indeedee are skilled babysitters.

Nurse Joy: is there anything I can do to assist you?

Goh: we've found a Pokémon we've never seen before but it ran away.

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