Part 100

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(We see Ash and Goh are in Hoenn)

Sophocles: hey!!

(They look over to see Sophocles)

Ash: Sophocles! (They rush over laughing in Joy)

Sophocles: hi Ash! Hi Goh! Long time no see!

Ash: Sophocles! Togedemaru! How's it going. (Sees an ampharos) ampharos

(Togedemaru gets excited and goes towards Pikachu as they hug)

Rotom phone: ampharos, the light Pokémon, an electric type. The tip of ampharos's tail lights up, guiding people who are lost. Like a lighthouse, this Pokémon is known for leading ships to safety.

Goh: so this project involves Ampharos

Sophocles: it sure does. Why don't you say hi?

(He pushes ampharos who stumbles and goes crashing into Ash)

Sophocles: I'm so sorry! It can get so flustered!

Goh: oh... that's why.

Ash: (shakes off the pain) it's okay, nice to meet you ampharos.

(Ampharos looks sorry but Pikachu reassures it as it talks to it as grookey speaks too)

Goh: and this is grookey.

Sophocles: nice to meet you grookey.

Ash: how's everyone in Alola?

Sophocles: everyone's great and wants to see you again and Kiawe is psyched to have another battle with (Y/N) but especially with Goh. Oh, how's raboot?

Goh: (grinning and arrogantly chuckles) come on out! (Sends out cinderace) meet cinderace, it evolved from raboot.

Sophocles: that's awesome! You look so cool! (Realises) hey, where's (Y/N)?

Ash: he's in Johto.

Goh: something came up, he said he had to deal with something urgently. He's said he's sorry he couldn't make it here.

(Flashback: they're in Cerise park ready to go)

Ash: well we better get going.

Goh: let's go!

(Y/N): yeah! Let's- (he's cut off as he's got this feeling) wait hang on.

Ash/Goh: huh?

(Y/N): I keep getting this feeling that something's wrong and it's coming from... Johto?

Ash/Goh: Johto?

Goh: should we go with you?

Ash: yeah we can always reschedule and meet with Sophocles another time.

(Y/N): no, let's not. I can handle this on my own.  You two go help Sophocles and tell him I'm sorry I couldn't attend.

(Flashback end)

Ash: and that it may have something to do with his bright glowing hand thing.

Goh: it was strange.

(Flashback continuation)

(Y/N): no, let's not. I can handle this on my own. You two go help Sophocles and tell him I'm sorry I couldn't attend.

(He goes to leave but they notice something)

Ash: what's that?

Goh: (Y/N), your hand.

(Y/N): huh? 

(He looks as he sees his hand, or should I say his palms, as they're glowing and they stop glowing as he notices and looks)

(Flashback end)

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