Part 145: In The Palms of Our Hands!

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(We cut back to Quillon's group as groudon let's out a huge roar)

Quillon: the legendary Pokémon with land shaping powers that can expand continents, groudon.

(With Danika's group as they're confronted by kyogre)

Danika: the legendary Pokémon with sea shaping powers that can create oceans out of rain, kyogre.

(A/N): not gonna lie I feel like I should've remembered this plot point sooner rather than later when in the previous episode they said Danika did marine biology based stuff and Quillon did environment based stuff but oh well.

Goh: it's one of the rarest!

(Kyogre makes noises as it's ready to fire an attack)

Danika: get back!

(Kyogre gets ready to fire and is about to fire but we cut to the other group as groudon fires mud shots out)

Quillon: weavile quick attack!

(Weavile uses quick attack as it uses quick attack to dodge the mud shots and hits groudon but it bounces off groudon as groudon's claw glows ready to attack)

Zoro: samurott x scissor!

(Samurott runs and uses x scissor and goes to block it but it's outpowered and hit back)

Quillon: use ice shard!

(Weavile with the opening to attack fires ice shards hitting groudon in the chest)

Gary: that should be super effective after all it's a ground type.

Quillon: here comes the response.

(Groudon shoots a fire blast at them)

Quillon: dark pulse let's go!

(Weavile uses dark pulse which hits the fire blast but the fire blast overpowers it and still heads towards weavile hitting weavile)

Quillon: weavile! (Rushes over and catches weavile as he is hit against a rock)

Zoro: liquidation!

(Samurott uses liquidation and cuts the fire blast in half as groudon prepares another attack as we see it charge up and fire off a solar beam which samurott tries to block but is hit back and smashes into a wall)

Zoro: samurott!

(Groudon prepares another attack towards the two damaged foes)

Quillon: is that precipice blades?

Gary: over here! Groudon!

(Gary using a vine swings and has a cup with water in it as he slashes groudon on it's head as it stats evaporating as water vapour comes off it but we see it cools groudon down)

Gary: I'm your opening now!

(Weavile hops back up ready to fight as does samurott)

Zoro: you can't take us out in one shot 

Quillon: you four...

(Groudon lets out some loud roars as it then starts walking away leaving them confused)

Gary: (checking on Quillon) you alright?

Quillon: I'm fine, quick, let's go after it. What's wrong with groudon? Something's not right.

Zoro: I don't even think groudon is supposed to be here, this is a mountain, not a volcano.

(We cut back to the other group as Danika and azumarill are holding off the kyogre as Goh puts grookey down)

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