Part 66

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(A/N): I know this is technically filler (as filler as you can get) but I decided to do it because it gives cute moments but most importantly it's nice to see Sirfetch'd and gengar again, mainly gengar in this case 

(We see the trio of Ash,Goh and Chloe doing errands for professor Cerise as we start at the Vermilion City Pokémon center)

Nurse Joy: thank you for your patience. Here are the supplements the professor asked for. (Puts it in an envelope)

Chloe: (takes it) thank you so much.

Goh: is that the last errand today?

(Chloe nods)

Ash: wait, where's grookey?

Goh: huh?

(We see Grookey trying to get into chansey's pouch where it's egg is as chansey is freaking out and looks understandably uncomfortable)

Goh: I'm sorry!

Chloe: stop eevee!

(Eevee copies grookey as they hop in chansey's pouch and the egg falls out as they begin to freak out as ponyta jumps in and balances it on it's back so one of the trainers can take it off and return it as they all sigh in relief)

(We cut to them walking outside)

Chloe: Goh, why does your grookey always cause such mischief.

Ash: (giggles) it's all that energy.

Goh: your Eevee does too.

Chloe: no way, compared to eevee grookey acts like a spoiled little child

Goh: well eevee imitates everyone like a spoiled little child, I feel bad for your ponyta who's way more responsible.

Chloe: when no one else is around eevee is always good.

Goh: grookey is really good then too.

(Ash laughs as the two are giving each other looks until they see both of them running towards a road and begin to panic)

Goh: look out!

Chloe: watch out for the cars! The cars!

(They run across the road happy and not looking)

Chleo: watch out!

(Ponyta uses fairy wind and this helps boost eevee and grookey across faster)

(After they get across to get to their troublesome Pokémon)

Ash: there's nothing good about that kind of mischief.

Chloe: (hugging her Pokémon) oh you were such a good, smart, adorable Pokémon eevee

Goh: (hugging grookey) and grookey you're such a good, smart adorable Pokémon too.

Chloe: and thank you ponyta for helping them you're always so reliable and helpful (stroking ponyta who is happy)

Ash: if that's true then why don't you ask grookey and eevee to run an errand for you.

Goh: an errand?

Chloe: there's an idea.

Ash: Pikachu can handle an errand right.

(Pikachu agrees)

Goh/Chloe: grookey can do that easily!/ eevee can do that easily!

(The two said Pokémon run around as the two trainers have a stare down)

Ash: and ponyta can supervise them so watch and keep an eye on them but not actually help them.

(We cut away to a different location where we see Chloe folding something into a napkin or handkerchief or something)

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