Part 135

889 13 9

(We continued where we left off as venusaur has gone down)

(Y/N): (returns Venusaur) thanks Venusaur, you were great. (Gets out another Pokéball) bisharp let's go! (Sends out bisharp) bisharp we've got a lot of work on our hands, now let's avenge our comrades (Bisharp nods as it looks at rillaboom and hits it's fists together and is serious)

Leon: drum beating!

(Rillaboom is beating its drum as vines come out)

(Y/N): night slash!

(Bisharp charges in and uses night slash cutting the vines down and delivers a night slash to rillaboom who tried to block with its shield but bisharp managed to get past it)

Leon: high horsepower!

(Y/N): iron head!

(Both Pokémon charge at one another and hit their attacks as they're both sent flying back as rillaboom's back hits it's shield as bisharp skids back)

(Y/N): night slash!

(Bisharp charges in with night slash)

Leon: acrobatics!

(Rillaboom uses acrobatics as both Pokémon clash back and forth)

Leon: now drum beating!

(Rillaboom jumps back and uses drum beating as vines come out the ground as bisharp cuts them down suddenly bisharp trips over as we see it's due to some small vines coming out the ground)

Leon: now high horsepower!

(Rillaboom uses high horsepower and about to slam it's arms down towards bisharp)

(Y/N): iron defence!

(Bisharp uses iron defence and takes and blocks the attack head on as it grabs rillaboom)

(Y/N): use iron head!

(Bisharp uses iron head and continuously using iron head on the knees of rillaboom as it lets go and rillaboom stumbles back holding its knees as they're badly hurt)

Leon: rillaboom return! (Returns rillaboom) cinderace let's go (sends out cinderace)

Commentator: and cinderace has been subbed onto the field!

(Y/N): night slash!

Leon: High jump kick!

(Both Pokémon head to one another as bisharp runs in and cinderace has one gigantic leap into the air as it becomes a fighting type and comes down as night slash connects with the leg of cinderace as cinderace just kicks over and over as bisharp uses night slash but as bisharp goes in for one more strike cinderace manages to get around it and deliver a high jump kick to the gut as bisharp hits the night slash as cinderace skids back slightly and bisharp goes flying and crashes into the side as the energy barrier comes up to stop bisharp from flying into anyone in the crowd)

(Y/N)) Bisharp!

(We see bisharp hurt a lot as it shakily gets up)

Leon: pyro ball!

(Cinderace kicks a rock about and shoots a pyro ball at bisharp as cinderace has become a fire type once again)

(Y/N): dodge it!

(Bisharp rolls underneath it and gets in close)

(Y/N): assurance!

(Bisharp uses assurance and hits cinderace and sends it flying but it gets back up on its feet as both Pokémon look damaged)

(Y/N)/Leon: iron head!/high jump kick!

(Both Pokémon charge in with their moves as cinderace goes in with both knees as bisharp goes head first as both move strike and there's a huge explosion as we see the dust settle as both Pokémon are stood there panting as we see cinderace fall and is unable to battle)

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