Part 55

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(We start off at the laboratory)

Ash: here it goes. Hyah! (Prepares his leek)

Goh: give it your best shot! (Has his leek ready)

(All of Goh's flabebe fly out a tree as Ash charges and tries hitting Goh with his leek as Goh blocks with his until he trips on a rock and falls back)

Ash: you're mine!

Goh: (recovers) afraid not! (Gets bonked on the head and falls back)

Ash: that's it. (Shakes head) no I'm not done yet. (Readies leek) I have to get much better or I won't be able to keep up with farfetch'd's special training.

Goh: that hurts, I'm wondering if there's any real point in battling with a leek 

Ash: of course there is. We want to be leek masters.

(A loud noise is heard as farfetch'd is smashing rocks as they head over)

Ash: man that rock was huge. That's farfetch'd for you.

Goh: wohoh, it looks like it's leek techniques are getting sharper.

Ash: yeah, ever since it's loss to gallade it's been training day in and day out and that's why I want to help put in any way I can!

Cerise: Ash do you have a minute?

Ash: professor Cerise!

Cerise: you're looking for a good place for farfetch'd to train, isn't that right. Well Ren discovered something quite interesting.

Ash: yeah? You found a place?

Ren: there's a location in the Kalos region (holds up poster)

Goh: the castle of chivalry. All trainers and Pokémon who desire to find their true strength are welcome.

Ash: receive personal training... by Wikstrom of the elite 4! Awesome!

Goh: hey aren't the elite 4 the toughest trainers in there respected regions.

(Y/N): did you say elite 4 member! ((Y/N) appears out of nowhere) this castle of chivalry is by a member of the elite 4 of the Kalos region! I haven't heard those names in awhile, the last time I saw an elite 4 member in Kalos was Drasna and she is really strong. Goh to answer your question yes they say that each region has a champion who is the strongest trainer but there are 4 tough trainers known as the elite 4.

Ash: farfetch'd you wanna go.

(Farfetch'd has a gleam/sparkle in it's eyes)

Ash: I knew it!

(We see scyther fly in fast and start shouting/begging for Goh to take him)

Goh: are you trying to tell me you want to come along with us too.

(Scyther raises one of it's scythe arms)

Goh: you're right I haven't been bringing you along to battle much lately, this'll be great! Come with us.

(Scyther nods)

(Y/N): and I'll be bringing pawniard and one more...

(Suddenly Honedge appears wanting to come along)

(Y/N): perfect! Yes.

Ash: then that settles it. Let's go to Kalos 

(Timeskip: they arrive at the castle as we see Goh and his Scyther, Ash with Pikachu and farfetch'd and (Y/N) with his pawniard and honedge)

Ash: so this is the castle of chivalry and it sure looks like it.

Goh: how are we supposed to get in.

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