Part 83

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(They clash and grapple as Lucario lets out a shout and it's legs are coated in an orange aura from reversal as it nails Machamp in the head with a kick)

Announcer: Lucario really connected! That move undoubtably turned the tide! Both arms pinned so Lucario directed it's power into it's legs!

Ash: now Lucario return! (Returns Lucario) Sirfetch'd go! (Sends out Sirfetch'd)

Announcer: and Ash has brought out his third Pokémon, Sirfetch'd! It's stance combines both attack and defence strength.

(In the audience)

Korrina: Lucario's amazing.

Goh: although this caught me by surprise. I thought Ash would bring out Dragonite.

(Y/N): (laughs) you're kidding me right.

Goh: huh?

(Y/N): this is Ash we're talking about. Sure Dragonite or even gengar would be a better option but I knew as soon as I saw hawlucha enter this battle so it can get payback from its loss as farfetch'd, after all Ash wouldn't choose it if he didn't think Sirfetch'd could handle it.

Korrina: a head on match. He wants to defeat Bea by using a fighting type Pokémon.

Announcer: the battle is burning white hot, I wonder when we'll see dynamaxing and mega evolving. How about you?

Leon: shhhh. At the moment I'm thoroughly enjoying the battle just the way it is so I'll leave the commentary to you.

Announcer: right.

Ash: use fury cutter!

(Sirfetch'd has it's leek sword facing forwards and charges in with fury cutter)

Bea: now use bullet punch!

(Machamp uses bullet punch as Sirfetch'd blocks it with it's shield and then does it's fury cutter as Machamp is doing bullet punch connecting and knocking Machamp back)

Ash: alright.

Bea: Machamp quick return! Go hawlucha! (Sends hawlucha back out) use flying press!

(Hawlucha uses flying press but Sirfetch'd blocks and hits hawlucha away with is shield)

Ash: use night slash!

(Sirfetch'd uses night slash)

Bea: fly up!

(Hawlucha leaps into the air as Sirfetch'd misses)

Announcer: hawlucha's fast! It managed to dodge Sirfetch'd's night slash!

Ash: use brutual swing!

(Sirfetch'd's sword and shied are coated in a red aura as Sirfetch'd throws it's shield)

Announcer: here it comes! That brutal swing is a real original!

(Hawlucha dodges it)

Bea: use sky attack!

(Hawlucha uses sky attack as it powers up)

Announcer: and Hawlucha enters the power up phase for that sky attack!

Ash: now night slash let's go!

(Sirfetch'd'a shield comes back to like it was a boomerang as the duck catches it and uses night slash on it's sword as hawlcuha is done powering up as we see Sirfetch'd above it using night slash as it nose dives towards Hawlucha sword pointed forwards and the two attacks clash as Sirfetch'd falls to the ground)

Ash: oh no Sirfetch'd!

Rotom drone: Sirfetch'd is unable to battle.

Announcer: and the first score goes to Bea! With Hawlucha's finishing move sky attack!

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