Part 119

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(We start off in Cerise park as we see our trio of trainers looking after their Pokémon there as we see the three of them along with Goh's goldeen, mantyke, chinchou, dewgong, poliwag, tentacool and (Y/N)'s shiny cramorant, finneon, wartortle, marshtomp, wimpod and his greninja)

(We cut to them with Goh's parasect, venemoth, venonat, scizor, paras, weedle and his three dustox as well as (Y/N)'s dwebble, ninjask and Anorith)

(We cut to a lot of flying types as we see Goh's farfetch'd, both exeggcutor, oddish, bellsprout, pidgeotto, hoothoot, murkrow, tailow, wingull as well as (Y/N)'s corviknight, pansear and chatot)

(We cut to them with Ash's Pikachu and Goh's inteleon, stantler, camerupt, Altaria and raticate, as well as (Y/N)'s thievul, wooloo and lillipup as Chloe enters the park)

Goh: hey there Chloe.

Ash: what's going on?

(Y/N): hey.

(He and Yamper go over as Chloe and (Y/N) hug each other)

Chloe: dad asked me to come here, he wants me to take pictures of the Pokémon for him.

Goh: he asks every so often.

Ash: we do it sometimes too.

(Y/N): it can take a while but it's fun.

Chloe: I didn't know you three did it. I wonder who to take pictures of next. (Yamper signals them to follow it) you wanna show me where to go. (Yamper nods)

Goh: wow, Yamper is a big help.

Ash: let's check it out.

Goh: sure.

(Y/N): I haven't seen many of my Pokémon and need to feed them so it'll help a bunch.

(They follow Yamper as Pikachu, eevee and ponyta are close to Yamper and on the journey they see Goh's mankey as it hops down and speaks to Yamper who talks to it too and then Goh's bunnelby as it talks to it too)

Chloe: hey look at Yamper 

Ash: like everyone's big brother.

(Y/N): hey Ash, didn't you mention that your bulbasaur is like.

Ash: it sure is, it does it's best to keep the peace. 

(They keep walking as grookey rushes over and is upset)

Goh: grookey, where have you been? (Grookey talks to Yamper as it points to its head) hey I think grookey lost it's stick!

(Yamper sniffs grookey and then follows the scent as it sniffs the ground as Yamper comes back to the sad grookey with the stick in its mouth as grookey is happy) 

Goh: thanks so much Yamper.

Ash: doing what a big brother does.

Chloe: Yamper you're so sweet (rubbing Yamper's head but stops as they can hear a sound) what's the matter?

Ash: right, everybody follow Yamper!

(We cut over to see pinsir hiding behind a tree and it's pincers are hitting each other)

Chloe: pinsir?

Ash: what's it doing?

Goh: it doesn't seem very happy.

(Y/N): again?

(They all look as we see lilligant and gossifleur as we see a certain bug type with heart eyes in the bushes)

Goh: lilligant and gossifleur (Chloe takes a picture)

Ash: something sure smells sweet.

(They realise and look closer and notice heracross in the bushes)

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