Part 40

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Ash: wow awesome!

Goh: it's shaving a lot of that ice block!

Ash/Goh: electric shaved ice machines are cool!

Ash: I want a mound of ice in my dish 

Goh: I want it mounded in mine!

Chloe: (unimpressed) is it worth getting so worked up?

Ash: of course it is!

Goh: I mean just look at all this ice (holds bowl up) it's like snow

(The Pokemon are playing with it until it stops)

Chloe POV

Chloe thoughts: I wonder what (Y/N) is up to.

Goh: uh oh it stopped. (Turns to look at them)

Ash: wonder why. (Keeps pressing button until it suddenly starts working and gets all over Goh and the Pokemon) we're good. Hey it stopped working again.

Chloe: Goh look over there.

(We see the lights shine brighter inside the laboratory before the power starts flickering and then they go out)

Goh: maybe it's a fuse.

Ash: you think it's one of gengar's practical jokes.

Goh: could be a power outage.

Chloe thoughts: (Y/N) needs to get back here right now.

(Minor flashback of time around the same time Goh and Ash are excited about the ice machine)

Rotom drone: each of you is allowed to use one Pokemon.

(Y/N): got you.

Man: sure thing.

Rotom drone: will both challengers please bring out your Pokemon, thank you! 3... 2... 1 go!

Man: go haunter!

(Y/N): go cranidos!

Rotom drone: battle begin!

Man: use shadow punch!

(Y/N): use pursuit!

(Shadow punch connect but cranidos toughens it out and hits back with pursuit)

Man: haunter use confuse ray!

(Haunter uses confuse ray as cranidos gets hit and is confused)

(Y/N): cranidos!

Man: now use curse!

(Haunter uses curse as it looks hurt by it and then a purple aura surrounds cranidos as it gets hurt by curse too)

(Y/N): cranidos use leer!

(Cranidos uses leer... except it's looking at a tree)

Man: (laughs) it's over haunter shadow punch!

(Haunter uses shadow punch as cranidos sees it and charges towards it only for it to duck under the shadow punch but also connect with a close range smack down knocking haunter back as it cranidos looks at it's surroundings as it's snapped out if the confusion Before curse starts hurting cranidos again)

(Y/N): cranidos it's good to have you back! Now I've got an idea!

(Cranidos nods)

(Y/N): cranidos use headbutt!

(Cranidos uses headbutt as it charges towards haunter)

Man: (laughs) haunter just stand there it won't do anything.

Pokémon journeys Male reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now