Part 153

494 9 3

(Where we last left off both trainers were having a stare down as they had a pokeball in their hand as the referee on his Aeigislash arrives)

Referee: (who arrives on the battlefield) here are the rules for this match, each trainer will be allowed 4 Pokémon there's no time limit or limit on switching Pokémon, the winner will be the one who leaves all 4 of their opponent's Pokémon unable to battle. Additionally, for this round a contestant can only use one of the following mechanics for this match, dynamax, a z move or mega evolution, once for this match! Now contestants please send your first Pokémon to the field! 3...2...1... go!

Iris/Lance: I choose you!

(They both send out their Pokémon as they throw their pokeballs as they open up as we see Lance has sent out Gyarados and Iris sends out emolga)

Commentator: and we start off with Gyarados and emolga as Iris has the advantage in terms of type matchup!

Lance: Gyarados use aqua tail!

(Gyarados lunges at emolga as it's tail glows blue as its speed surprises emolga as it swipes its tail)

Iris: dodge it!

(Emolga dodges the aqua tail)

Lance: ice fang!

(Gyarados wraps itself around emolga as it's squeezing emolga and holds it in place as it gets ready to chomp down with ice fang)

Iris: emolga get out of there!

(We see Gyarados chomp down as there's an explosion but we see Gyarados unravel and is in pain as we see emolga manage to get back into the air as Gyarados has bit itself)

Commentator: and with emolga's fast speed is gets free, its an even match so far between these two!

Iris: emolga now use discharge!

(Emolga uses discharge hitting Gyarados as it's in even more pain)

Iris: now use attract!

(Emolga uses attract as it goes towards Gyarados)

Lance: Gyarados dodge it and use aqua tail!

(The hearts travel around gyarados and as they're about to touch Gyarados it goes and stands on it's tail and jumps in the air avoiding the attract and then lunges and darts head towards emolga as it then swings its tail and whacks emolga as it goes smashing into the ground)

Iris: emolga are you okay!

(We see emolga get back up as it gets back into the air)

Iris: emolga discharge one more time!

(Emolga fires a discharge right at Gyarados)

Lance: Gyarados use dragon dance!

(Gyarados uses dragon dance)

Lance: and spin!

(Gyarados then spins while using dragon dance as it looks like a whirlwind of sorts as the discharge hits the spinning Gyarados but does nothing as the dragon dance ends and is now powered up)

Commentator: and Gyarados was able to successfully power up while minimising the damage!

Lance: aqua tail!

(Gyarados lunges and uses aqua tail and is now a lot faster manages to whack emolga who goes flying)

Iris: EMOLGA!!! Straighten yourself out! PLEASE!!!

(Emolga who is damaged a lot and had its eyes closed snaps open its eyes and straightens itself and doesn't hit the ground and is still in the battle)

Iris: emolga use discharge!

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